Everyone is welcome
Registered Charity Number 1151980
Company Number 08013774
This project is delivered in conjunction with MUSAWA BME Consortium and is funded by City Bridge Trust's Wave 3 of their London Community Response Fund in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Project Aim:
To offer multilingual practical and emotional support to 350 BME migrants; supporting access to food, benefits and other emergency help. Our advocacy, interpreting expertise, and practical help will overcome critical challenges to migrants’ survival, such as food poverty, barriers to essential services and severe isolation.
Many BME migrants are struggling to secure food and income during this time; living in critical situations exacerbated by COVID19. Building from successes of the services funded in Wave 2, we will reach a wider range of communities and provide 350 BME community members with essential practical and emotional support (online and telephonically):
Through our previous Community Response funding our consortium of BME grassroots organisations identified the most vulnerable and helped BME migrants to access mainstream support for COVID19. We know from feedback that we reduced emotional and practical isolation as we supported our communities through anxiety and grief. But basic practical needs such as food and income are still going unmet. Our aim is to support and advocate for isolated BME migrants across West London to link them to vital, life-saving services.
Organisations delivering this project are: