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Registered Charity Number 1151980

Company Number 08013774

Multilingual Emotional Wellbeing Project - Church St

This project is funded by Westminster City Council's Neighbourhood Keepers fund.

Project Aims:

The project offers Church street residents who face emotional difficulties and who don’t speak English, emotional and practical support. Each resident receives 4 1:1 sessions in their mother tongue as well as additional office support with paperwork and signposting. The project aims to support residents by giving the chance for people to talk freely, in their own language, removing some sources of stress through practical help (provided either by the organisation themselves or signposting to an appropriate agency) and supporting residents to set goals that will help them to stay well emotionally, such as joining in in available social, educational and physical activities.

People who are supported by this project are residents of Church Street ward and Paddington Green estate in Westminster.
Organisations delivering this project are:
  • Abbey Centre
  • Marylebone Bangladesgh Society
  • MEWSo (Middle Eastern Women and Society Organisation)