Topics: Hammersmith & Fulham CCG's Financial Recovery Plans - request for feedback; Westminster and RBKC Councils' Dementia Stra…
Topics: Request for feedback on NHS 111 service; Information about Latent TB and raising awareness; request for feedback on Prim…
Topics: Health Help Now App, GP Extended Hours, FAWA (French African Welfare Association), Central London Youth Development Trus…
Topics: Creating a new dietary resource for BAME communities with Diabetes and H&F Outcomes Framework, Update on the equalities …
Theme: Integrated Care - My Care My Way and Engagement work done around Integrated Care Outcomes Framework
Theme: Tackling Obesity in BME communities
Theme: Habits and Addictions in BME communities
THEME: Domestic Abuse among BME Communities. This meeting explored the issue of Domestic Abuse from many different angles such a…
THEME: Stigma. This meeting's theme was about stigma and how it contributes to inequalities and stops people accessing services.…
Theme: Young People's Health & Wellbeing. This was a great meeting to attend to hear about projects in the voluntary sector and …