FREE DBS webinar to staff and member organisations of all Greater London CVSs and VCs on Wednesday 9 October from 10:00 – 12:00. This webinar will be of value to those who have recruitment / management / safeguarding responsibilities; are involved in safer recruitment processes; recruit or manage those in regulated activity; are responsible for making DBS referrals.
We are delighted to be back running 2024 One Westminster Volunteers’ Fair and welcoming community (who live, study & work in Westminster) alongside charities and community projects based in Westminster. Please come along for the opportunity to network and recruit volunteers.
Join One Westminster for another in their series of Meet the Funder online events, this time with three funders - The Sylvia Waddilove Foundation UK, The Field Family Charitable Trust and The Sheldon Trust. The meeting will be on Tuesday 8 October from 3pm to 4pm via Zoom.
Please see information about upcoming events in Hammersmith and Fulham this September including: Inclusive Innovation in Mental Health & Wellbeing in H&F; Family Champions Coffee/Networking morning; H&F Patient Reference Group; H&F Listening event, Patient Carer Race Equality Framework; NEW breastfeeding Drop in; and Updated Dementia guide.
Adult Social Care & Health- Integrated Commissioning are conducting user research on the Health Visiting Service to explore from service users’ perspective, why there is a low uptake of some mandatory development checks for children under the age of 2.5, and its impact. As part of the user research, we are conducting 2 focus group with pregnant women in each of the boroughs Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea to get a better idea what they understand the role of health visiting service to be and find out what their needs are.
Join UK Youth and NYA and Regional Youth Work Units for a shared space for youth workers and allied professionals working with young people to connect, reflect and provide support for one another following recent unrest within our communities. Please also finf a variety of resources compiled by Young Westminster Foundation.
The Sudanese Nubian Association - UK and Ahfad Support Group - UK invite you to join our online workshop on identifying the signs of cervical cancer on Saturday 25th May from 8.30pm - 10pm. This event will be online via zoom.
Nubianlife would like to invite you to the launch of Trauma in Black Bodies on 17th May 2024, we will be exhibiting the art work of Cornelius Browne, from his ADUMAADAN Collection . The launch will be followed by monthly art therapy workshops on the last Friday of each month.
On the 8th of March at 10 AM, International Women's Day, ACAA will be holding a demonstration in Parliament Square. It has been nearly three years since women and girls have been denied education in Afghanistan, among other human rights violations. This cannot last any longer, for these conditions affect not only women, but the whole population. Therefore, this demonstration is to represent how pressing the issue is.
A Special event on Friday 15th March 2024 - Safe and Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate. The purpose of this event is to disseminate crucial information aimed at assisting older adults in maintaining their safety and well-being amidst shifting weather patterns and environmental conditions. There will be nformation stalls to help you gain knowledge and understanding of services. There will be a number of guest speakers from Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster councils.
You are cordially invited to join us on Friday the 19th of January from 11 am to 2 pm for the Arts Therapy workshop at Church Street Library. This is our second Community Learning event around Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion.
On Tuesday 24 October 2023, more than 200 people from across NW London gathered in St Pauls, Hammersmith for the first health equity summit for the area. One year on from the launch of the region’s inequality strategy, it was a chance to reflect on what had been achieved and discuss the challenges ahead. You can now see all the presentation and details of the day updated to the NHS NWL website.
Do you want to help improve breast cancer screening information and invitations? We are looking for 6 people to join two different workshops. We encourage people from underserved populations including but not limited to ethnic minority groups e.g., Asian, Black African or Caribbean, Arab, Mixed ethnicity and those from a disadvantaged background to apply.