Next BME Health Forum Quarterly Meeting
Changes to BME Health Forum Quarterly meetings format
Since March 2018 we have changed the way we deliver our Quarterly Meetings. They are no longer public meetings and we only invite BME organisations that deliver services in Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster. We have had to make this change in order to ensure that the voices of BME organisations can be heard and that they can communicate effectively with our local NHS commissioners.
I understand that this is disappointing to many organisations who attended our Quarterly meetings regularly as a way of finding out more about the needs of BME communities and networking with BME organisations. However, at the moment we need to prioritise our BME organisations. We may hold public meetings on an ad hoc basis that we would advertise in our weekly newsetter and on the events section of our website.
If you are a BME organisation and you have not yet received an invitation to our quarterly meetings, please do contact Nafsika Thalassis at