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Registered Charity Number 1151980

Company Number 08013774

Date:  Wednesday 27th September 2017, 11.00-14.00

Venue: White City Community Centre, 7 India Way, Shepherd's Bush, London W12 7QT

Theme: Improving the Health and Wellbeing of disadvantaged communities in Hammersmith & Fulham [DOWNLOAD MEETING NOTES HERE]

Eddie Chan, Chair of the BME Health Forum, welcomed all to the meeting and introduced the first item.

Item 1: Sharon Smith, Community Champions Manager at White City Community Centre will talk about ‘The work of Parkview Community Champions’

[Download the power point slides at this LINK]

About Parkview:

Parkview Community Champions is a Health & Wellbeing Project which has been running since September 2015. The Project is funded until 2019 by the Tri-borough Public Health Service. The project serves residents living in White City and Wormholt wards.

Vision and Aim:

A vibrant and engaged community that understands its own population and determines their needs.  Works together to create a better place for all, reduce inequalities and deliver improved health and wellbeing outcomes by supporting family, friends and neighbours to access information, activities and services.

Parkview Community Champions develops the capacity of local people and services to promote health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities.

Census Information collected in 2011

Wormholt and White City is a ward in The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and includes areas of Shepherds Bush and White City. The 2011 Census reported a total population of 13,389, of which 69.1% were from a BAME background.


The Community Champions

The Champs are recruited from the local community and reflect the diversity of the local population. They are engaged and trained to become community champions who help and support their communities to improve health, wellbeing and community cohesion.

Health & Wellbeing Survey 2015

A survey was carried out with 237 residents and users of Parkview Centre for Health & Wellbeing. The broad objective of this study was to better understand health attitudes and behaviours amongst adults.


Fun and Informative Events

The Parkview Community Champions have been involved in various fun and information events, these includeBig Local yearly W12 Festival, Men's Cancer Awareness Campaign and World Health Day Event. Other events include:

QPR Stoptober Campaign – tested mainly men for the level of Carbon Monoxide in their bodies due to smoking. This was found to be quite high in most men.

Oral Health Campaign – There was an issue with poor oral hygiene. The Community Champions delivered two oral hygiene sessions, showing demonstrations on how to brush their teeth in two primary schools. The more is the dental hygiene campaign can spread further to other primary schools.

Multi-faith Community – The sessions were delivered from Egyptian House which is usually used for Friday Islamic Prayers. Had lots of necessary services under one roof, including: Oral Health and Diabetes.

Initiatives set up by the Parkview Community Champions

  • The Community Champions have set up Monthly Coffee morning to reach out to people who are social isolated and who may not access any other service. In the coffee mornings things like Scam awareness training is given, budgeting, managing debt.
  • “The Felix Project” helps to address food poverty by giving food to the food banks they set up, to relief food poverty in the population. “City Harvest” is now on board too. Parkview Community Champions works with these to get food to people in the community who need it. Parkview has found the number of people who access food banks have increased.

Concerning Crime

Violence & Sexual Assault is the most reported crime in the local area. In order to contribute to addressing this, the Parkview Community Champions will be inviting Mothers and Daughters on a 3-day residential in January 2018. The plan is to give Mothers and Daughters the space to talk about these issues whilst having professionals on hand such as Counsellors that are accessible that weekend.

Regular activities

  • Weekly Yoga
  • Weekly Buggy walking group
  • Monthly Coffee mornings
  • Monthly Unwind (Massage)
  • Weekly food bank

Up and Coming Events

  • Black History month event: 13/10/2017
  • Over 65’s Tea Party – 07/12/2017
  • Mothers and Daughters residential

Question& Answer

Q:What are you hoping to achieve for the mothers and daughters residential?

A:According to the youth workers, girls as young as 10 & 11 are being sexualised. There is a gap of understanding between teenagers and mothers. We will be looking at MentalHealth First Aid, building families and educating families.

Item 2: Michael Buraimoh, Director of The Upper Room will talk about their work with homeless people, ‘The Future at The Upper Room – building partnerships that work’

The organisation has been in existence since 1990,and  although the Upper Room has a large client base, it is not well known by other organisations. The Upper Room works with Ex-offenders, people who are homeless and refugees.

One of the activities we run is a soup kitchen. Every evening we provide food for 80 to 120 people. The organisation “City Harvest” came out of the Upper Room. City Harvest “helps put surplus food to good use in a sustainable way, by distributing to organisations that feed people who are hungry”.

A key element of our work is to collect surplus food and give to people who need it for immediate survival needs. We work with people to identify the pathways of need.

We work with people who have criminal convictions and teach them to drive. We pay for their tests. They would first have to commit to 90 Hours of voluntary work. And they commit to rebuilding their lives – through personal development training. Then get to learn to drive. The aim is, they drive the Transport Sector is sympathetic to recruiting ex-offenders.

Driving as a qualification strengthens the chances of getting work for ex-offenders.

Working with migrant groups: We have a large number of people coming to us. Especially since the EU became more inclusive to Eastern Europe.

Questions and Answers

Q: Do you have some criteria of who can access your services?

A:We don’t have some criteria. This means we can meet the needs of people who benefit from our service as we are not statutory funded.

Q: A high percentage of homeless people have other substance issues and addictions. Do you work with them also?

A: Yes, we do. We sign post people to other organisations if we cannot meet their need and we work with people directly we can meet their need.

Q: What is the referral pathway for clients to your service?

A: Referrals to the driving project can be done through the online service on our website (  You can call up.People who would like access to our food project can drop-in. For the other project we have appointments on Monday’s and Tuesdays between 12pm and 5pm.  few of the services we offer has an appointment system.

Q:Can people from other parts of London access your service?

A: Yes, they can because we do not have a remit of who we must reach.


Item 3: Rahel Goenner, Head Link Worker, West London zone, will talk about their work with the local community and their 'Trip for Somali families to Wales’

[Download the power point slides at this LINK]

West London Zone is a play based initiative. The organisation tries to recruit people who live locally because it is believed this goes some way to strengthening the community. West London Zone seeks out opportunities to create local connections with organisations and people who live locally. A fair amount of time is spent getting to know the local people and the local area. One of the ways in which the organisation engages is through putting on events locally with the aim of bringing the community together.

West London Zone reaches out to families who find it more difficult to engage in the usual community events. The engagement to reach families began by approaching 5 local schools. The staff would engage the local parents whose children are at the school. The events became popular and grew quickly as residents began to bring neighbours and family, soon we had over a 100-people attending.

Events were put on where children could play and get to participate in story-telling. Other events included a trip to Phoenix Farm. We did this in partnership with Hammersmith Community Gardens Association.

Phoenix Farm is a local farm which was readily available for families to go to but the families we engaged with did not know of the farm until West London Zone invited them to the farm.It was important to us local families could begin to develop a sense of ownership for community space in their local area.



The Adventure play ground is another local organisation West London Zone partners with. The children we work with would not have previously being able to go into the adventure playground because they were not old enough. We sometimes did events around food which would see families engaging. Local mums would help us by cooking big pots of soup. We would give people the soup for free around the fire. We are now encouraged to do more of these events.


We also did gardening activities, riding the smoothie bike and face painting. All of the activities saw families beginning to develop a sense of ownership and pride in their local area.


A trip to wales for children of Somalian Origin


This summer we did something bigger by taking people out of the estate because we wanted them to connect to their roots and connect more with nature in a similar way to where they were from in East Africa. The project Degmo in Wales gives people from Somalia the opportunity to reconnect with their roots. The project is run by Hamish Wilson who has long ties to Somalia through many years of work in Somaliaand also the time he lived in Somalia as a camel boy.


“In the Somali region of Africa there has long existed a convention amongst families living in the towns that during school holidays their children be sent to the countryside to stay with nomadic relations. Whilst helping to tend to the herds of camels, sheep, goats, and cattle upon which their relatives depended for their livelihood, children from the towns are imbued with the ethos, morals, and culture of the nomads and learn to appreciate and understand the value of the pastoral heritage which contributes so much to the identity of the Somali people, their language and customs. In the heart of the British countryside Degmo provides Somali families from inner cities throughout the UK with the opportunity to continue this tradition” and reconnect to their nomadic lifestyle.



Friendships were built through these experiences and people opened up to each other. Many of the children stepped out of their comfort zone and some of the adults felt as if they were re-visiting their childhoods.


The Children got involved in chopping the food, milking the sheep, horse riding and hiking. Hamish also taught the children the Somali way of making yogurt and the different process they would have used for disinfecting to avoid the spread of bacteria. He taught them how sophisticated the processes are, and it helps them to appreciate how the nomadic people of Somalia lived. The experience was also the first time most of the children had being in a tent and the first time most of the children went hiking and experienced the countryside.


The Children also learned foraging and ate white blue berries as they hiked up the hills in Wales. 


Most of the Children were from the White City Estate and they now have a lasting memory which gives them a greater appreciation and understanding of the culture which they come from.


Question & Answers


Q:What you are doing is wonderful, But I wonder how you ensure the safety of all the children?


A:We had a good Adult to Child ratio. The parents also came on the trip as well as staff from our project. The work we have being involved with over the past 2 years meant we had built a relationship with these families which helps to ensure safety on a trip such as this one.


Q: How did they travel to Wales.


A: We rented Mini-buses to get there. 


Q: Did you have any problems with the children fighting with each other?


A; No, we didn’t have any problems with this.


Q: How long was the trip?


A: The Trip was for 3 days?


Q: How were families selected for the trips?


A: We focused on families who were from East Africa for this trip. We asked families to pay a holding deposit of £20 in order to go on to the trip. The trip was fully funded but having a holding deposit meant families would commit to coming.  We operated on a first come first serve basis to these families.


Item 4: Kaveh Kalantari, Director of the Iranian Association will talk about their work with the Iranian Community


[Download the power point slidesat this LINK]


The Iranian Association has now been open for 33 years. We began in 1985. The Iranian association is one of the largest refugee groups. In the 40 years since the Iranian revolution in 1979, migrating in large numberscontinue from Iran. 


Over 120,000 Iranians live in Britain. Most came to the UK as refugees.


According to the UK Border Agency, the Iranians have continued fleeing Iran and were the largest group of new refugee arrivals in the UK in 2010 and 2011, 2nd largest group in 2012 and 2013 and 3/4 largest group in 2014 and 2015.  


One of the priorities of the Iranian association is integration. 


The Mission of the Iranian association is Iranian association helps ethnic minorities, migrants, refugees and members of the local community to fully participate in this society by providing opportunities to learn, receive advice, participate in volunteering, live healthier, engage in cultural activities, meet with others and develop themselves.”




Iranian Association deals with around 20,000 requests for services. These include:


• education


• citizenship


• health


• welfare


• immigration


• culture  


• arts 


Over the last decades the association has also supported over 5000 students to complete various courses at the centre.


The Services the Iranian Association offers is based on availability of funding. We now offer intergenerational services and in 2007 the constitution was changed to offer the service to other ethnic minorities.




The closure of Palingswick House had an impact on a lot of Charities in Hammersmith and Fulham. There were nearly 50 Charities operating from the building and in the few years since the closure I only know of 4 of the charities who are still operational.


The way the NHS works when funding projects for only a short time can create difficulties for charities when a project is going well and no further funds are allocated or available for the project. Sustainability is needed.


Strengths include:


Good track record, Open to new ideas e.g. social enterprise, Innovative (Embedded learning, Pioneer in online course, NHS Choices course etc.), Quality Marks (IIP, Matrix, AQS, OISC etc.) and Awarding bodies (C & G, OCR, Edexcel, BCS), Qualified and experienced staff, Partnership experience, Experienced management, Experienced in Business and Fundraising Plan and a Good set of Policies


Barriers include: 


Government spending cuts, more competition in accessing charity funding, Expensive rents in Hammersmith, Bad media coverage about refugees/migrants, Racism, Discrimination and Stereotypes, Change of culture in local and central statutory bodies e.g. refugee is not “cool”, Lack of strong partnerships among refugee/BMER organisations, Unhelpful statutory funding streams e.g. economy of scale and contracts offered to large organisations.


Projects to support Physical & Mental Health we have had.


Health Trainers (Direct contract with NHS), Expert Patient Programme (DESTA & PDT), Exercise classes, 1-to-1/Group Counselling, Emotional Wellbeing for Adult/Young People and Healthy Life Styles for Older People (e.g. workshops, counselling exercise, outings etc.)


Questions & Answers


Q: We have been working together for a while and your project help some people who go to their GP very frequently go less often. Why do you think this has occurred?


A:In regard to the NHS Choices Course. Languages is a part of the problem for people with second languages, if they cannot communicate effectively with their GP effectively, they will need to see the GP3 or 4 times about the same problem. They improve their language through learning the jargon with a course like NHS choices which helps them to communicate better with their GP. The workshops we ran helped. In the workshops they learn about different diseases and illnesses, once they learn about something they are more relaxed, so they don’t feel the need to go to the GP to double check. They then develop an understanding of what things are important and what things are not important and can make an informed decision about whether it is a good reason to go to the GP. 


There are other reasons too which has helped people to go to the GP less. This includes the work we did with the support of the BME Health Forum.  We were given training and a grant to run an Emotional wellbeing project which address a number of things including isolation. This had a major impact on people going to their GP less often. 


Q: Do you think it is to do with the overall support that you offer which has enabled people to go to the GP less.


A: Yes, definitely it is the overall support that has caused the reduction.


Q: Are you only meeting the needs of the clients that speak Farsi or only clients who are Iranian?


A: We see clients from a number of BME backgrounds. We do have a number of Farsi speakers, but we also have a number of Arabic speakers and Persian speakers. The clients who access these particular courses are mainly, Iranians Iraqis, and Afghanis.


Item 5: Samira Ben Omar will present the NHS Hammersmith & Fulham CCG Primary Care Strategy


[Download the power point slides at this LINK]


The presentation focussed on the Primary Care Strategy for Hammersmith and Fulham CCG. However the work Samira does is across North West London around Accountable Care Systems. 


This is a new strategy. It is a good time to influence how the strategy is being developed. Especially so for BME organisations and other 3rd sector organisations. 


There is a national campaign to improve Primary care. The way we organise Primary Health Care and the way we currently deliver Primary Health Care to local people is not working as effectively as it should. The care can be dis-jointed when the person has more than one need, therefore people are going to the hospital and waiting for referrals or going somewhere else for different aspects of the same problem. We would like to see care in these situations in as few places as possible.The question we asked was, is there a better way of working with communities to improve access to Primary Care?


Strategy Development


The new strategy is being developed by Tim Spicer who is a local GP and the Chair of Hammersmith & Fulham CCG. He is on the Commissioner’s side and responsible for developing the strategy. He is working alongside David Wingfield whois a local GP. Hammersmith Broadway. He is the Chair worked with Imperial Trust. The hospitals want to work more collaboratively instead of working so separately to benefit local people.


The GPs want to work together as they have realised working separately is not effective. There are currently lots of different practices providing the same services so some duplications in services as well as gaps in services. Maybe they can share staff, share services as 3 or 4 GP practices will be more effective. 


According to GPs the most frequent need for people to see the GP is around low mood or depression, which shows that a lot of older people are isolated. So working to free clinical time to give people the support they need for these problems will make the practices work together more effectively.  


We are developing a Hub model where you have 3 hubs North Central and South. The Hubs will be around the practices and also around all of the voluntary and community services and social care services. The Hubs can look at populations rather than just look at those who are ill and segment them in different ways. Therefore, looking at people who are mostly healthy and seeing what their needs arepeople with complex conditions and identifying there needs. This is where the role of the voluntary and community sector working with practices is seen. Information around sign posting will be more easily accessible and clear, people who are isolated and in need of care will be identified more easily. 


What is the offer for the third sector? It’s an opportunity to push as much as possible to engage. The 3rd sector can begin to think about what they would like to offer. In an accountable care system, rather than just looking at how much activities has taken place, whole population outcomes are looked at. It is now more about the outcome rather than activity based commissioning. 


Mobilisation is the next step. The integrated care board and the GP federation are now coming together to see how this will be delivered. The voluntary sectors role is to begin to think about the conversations they should have with the CCGs and factor in this model in the considerations. Influencing what goes into the contracts.


Q: A concern I have, is that the way I have seen this work is that for voluntary organisations who work mainly with older people who speak English, there can be a role for them as CCGs are very interested in engaging and working with voluntary organisations but when it comes to the rest of the voluntary sector and particularly organisations who work with particular BME groups it is much more difficult for them to be involved in a meaningful way.


A: It will be difficult as single organisations but coming to these as an umbrella organisation it will be much more effective. To what extent do you come together as an umbrella organisation and asking your selves as the umbrella organisation, What is your offer? And what is your ask? 


Q:BME Health Forum in itself is a very small organisation. I think there is a role for the CVS it be involved but the issue remains for the BME Organisations to be involved meaningfully as CVS’s will have lots of other priorities as they are representatives of a wide group. 


A:This is where you start with what goes in to the contract and what influences you have in the contract. Small grass roots organisations needs to be involved. 


Q:What is the offer to get the voluntary sector involved as this is a big ask of the voluntary sector?  Is there a way for the BME Health Forum to be a part of the conversation for the voluntary sector?


A: West London CCG has began to think to take action on this. We have invested £500,000 to get the Voluntary sector ready. We see the huge benefit the voluntary sector can bring to the table. 


Comment: The BME Health Forum should have a voice at the table so it features in the plan. 


Q:What is the time line on implementation of the service being commissioned with this new strategy?


A: This will probably be within the next financial year. 


Item 6: Radhika Puri, Public Health Specialist, Healthy Dialogues Ltd, will present the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.


Radhika presented briefly explain the Pharmaceutical needs assessment and the need for the survey. Questionnaires were handed out amongst the participants to complete.

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NHS North West London is proposing changes to improve adult community specialist palliative care services for people with serious or life-limiting illnesses. We want to hear your views on these proposed improvements, which focus on compassionate, accessible care for residents across our area. This public consultation runs from 18 November 2024 to 24 February 2025.

» MEWSo's Healthy Cooking, English Conversation, and Health watch sessions!

Cook & Eat healthier Middle Eastern foods with MEWSo every Monday, 11.30-3pm. Learn to speak English in our conversation classes. Whether you’re a total beginner or need to improve what English you have, join our classes every Thursday. And every Friday come to our Health Watch session. Get your blood pressure taken, get weighed and measured and hear how to create a healthier lifestyle.

» Mosaic Community Trust One Stop Service in Church street

Mosaic have a new One Stop service in Church street - Get help woth reading and understanding letters and documents; Get guidance with registering children with local schools, GPs, and dentists; Get information and signposting to Citizens Advice Bureau for benefits and social housing; Get help with arranging appointments with GPs. hospitals, and housong repairs.

» NWL Health and Social Care Stakeholder Bulletin - October 2024

The NWL Health and Social Care Skills Academy are thrilled to announce the release of the October edition of their Stakeholders Bulletin.Within the pages of this bulletin, you will find inspiring stories of progress, key performance indicators, and exclusive insights that are crucial for their ongoing partnership.

» Waterloo Community Counselling Autumn Newsletter (2024)

We hope you enjoy our newsletter filled with exciting updates, inspiring stories, and highlights from the past few months including how we have supported refyugees over the last 20 years! Hear from refugee clients about their experiences and also from the diverse counselling team. You will also find updates from the refugee social group and some winter wellbeing tips!

» Imperial Patient Experience Research Centre Newsletter – November 2024

Welcome to the November issue of the Patient Experience Research Centre, Imperial College London Public Involvement Newsletter. In this issue we share upcoming opportunities to get involved in health research, as well as upcoming events which you might be interested in joining. Opportunities include research around chest injury, inflammatory bowel disease, patients who have benefitted from biomedical engineered technologies, neonatol research and more.

» NHS England - Act FAST - Stroke Campaign toolkit

The NHS in England has launched the latest ‘Act FAST’ campaign – our campaign to increase awareness of the signs of a stroke and encourage people to dial 999 at the first sign. We have a range of fantastic resources for you to share across your communications channels. As well as our new advertising materials, you’ll find resources based on our incredible PR video, which shares the story of 3 stroke case studies, beginning with a recording of their 999 calls.

» HaferiVax Vaccine Hesitancy Training (23.01 and 27.02)

Do you want to have better conversations about vaccines? H&F Health Protection team are running monthly Vaccination Conversation training which uses the Empathetic Refutational Interviewing approach. The training is about improving confidence and competence with vaccine conversations through: Eliciting concerns; Affirmation; Tailored Refutation and Factual Information.

» London Resilience Update - October 2024

Welcome to the October 2024 London Resilience Update. Happy Diwali to all those who are celebrating today! On the horizon for November, we have Interfaith Week happening from 10-17 November, followed closely by London Flood Awareness Week happening from 18-24 November. Please read on for the full October London Resilience update.

» NHS NWL ICB - Bi-Borough collaborative Space relaunch

As of September 2nd NHS North West London completed its organisation restructure. One of the consequences of this has been a slight change in the boroughs that our engagement team support. My name is James Connell and I am now the Senior Involvement Manager for Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, and Hounslow.

» Unfold Volunteer Mentor Opportunities (posted 25.10.24)

Unfold is a charity based in Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea that offers mentoring and support groups for young people aged 10-25 and mothers with children aged 5+. We are currently recruiting for volunteer mentors, particularly those interested in mentoring mothers.

» Martha's Rule Pilot at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been chosen as one of the pilot sites for the rollout of Martha's Rule, an NHS England, nationwide initiative. We are proud to launch this service as part of our work to create a patient-centred safety culture that amplifies patients' voices. As of Monday 30 September, our 24/7 patient care escalation phone line is be open to inpatients receiving care at both Chelsea and Westminster and West Middlesex University Hospitals, as well as their relatives and carers who may be concerned about their clinical condition.

» Westminster Flood Risk Strategy

Westminster is at an increased risk of flooding due to climate change and extreme weather events. We are updating our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy to help the city become more resilient and want to hear your thoughts to make sure it represents all our residents and priorities. Register for our in-person sessions and read the strategy here.

» PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide (added 18.10.24)

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is a national charity that spreads the message of hope. They support young people (under 35s) living with suicidal thoughts and concerned others/professionals who are seeking guidance to support their young person. Papyrus train a lot of people within healthcare, education and anybody who is interested in suicide prevention - they offer a free 30-minute suicide awareness training session called a SP-ARK

» Young Westminster Foundation October Newsletter (2024)

Please see the latest newsletter from Young Westminster Foundation with several training, job and funding opportunities including: YOUNG WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION Brighter Futures Fund for YWF members; Helping Hands Development and Sports Day; Black History Month Events in Westminster; London Tigers Introduction to Youth Work Training programme; and more.

» Kensington & Chelsea Fraud Newsletter (September 2024)

The K&C Fraud newsletter contains information and figures of fraud cases in the borough including useful information about how to protect yourself against fraud crimes.

» London Community Foundation October 2024 Grants News

See the latest funding opportunities and news from London Community Foundation including information about: Lambeth Community Fund; Home Instead Charities Grant; LGBT+ Futures Equity Fund; Windrush Day Grant Scheme; Cory’s Community Fund; Trust for London; Parkinson’s - Grants for Physical Activity Providers; Children in Need Core Cost grants; Sport England Movement Fund; and more.

» Westminster website now translates in 20 languages

The Westminster City Council website now has a translate button at the top which gives translation of all pages in 20 languages. The translation is through google translate - so it is not going to be perfect, but it may help with sharing information with a resident who doesn't speak English. Also they would be keen to have some feedback about whether people find it useful or not, and anything that could be improved.

» New Workwell programme -supporting people into employment

WorkWell is a free service for people who are in a job or looking for one but need support with health-related challenges. We’ll work with you to figure out what you need, offering support from our team and other local services. Our Work and Health Coach will make sure you get the right support to find or stay in the right job.

» Support and resources for potential refugee from Lebanon and Gaza

Please see the following Support and Resources document in the event that individuals evacuate from Lebanon to the UK. Information enclosed includes: Mental Health Support (Adult) and Mental Health Support (Children), Organisational/Practioner Support, Immigration Advice, and Communications,

» Patient Experience feedback of CLCH (community based) Health services

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust provides healthcare to children and adults in their homes, schools, children’s hubs, community centres, GP surgeries and healthcare centres across many areas of London. We are a community-based NHS Trust and we wish to work with any community groups to share some of the work we do which may be of interest to you, and for us to learn from you to help improve understanding, awareness and accessibility to healthcare services.

» NHS 111 and Out of Hours service patient feedback

What was your experience? Whatever kind of experience you have had with our services or staff, we would love to hear from you. Please give us your feedback on any improvements, concerns, or compliments you have by completing our surveys.

» EVENT: Black on Board Market Place - Thursday 26th September 2024

We would like to invite you to a special event at Westminster City Hall on Thursday 26 September. It’s an event for local community organisations who are looking to diversify their boards and we invite you to come along to talk about your organisation. We would particularly like to hear from organisations who currently have board vacancies and would be open to considering staff members and residents.

» Women's Hub at Victoria Library, Mondays 11am - 3.30pm

Beginning Monday, 16th September 2024, FOR WOMEN will host a weekly Women's Hub every week from 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM. It's a welcoming space where women can relax, listen to various talks, enjoy refreshments, and seek advice and guidance. The environment is warm, welcoming and calm. It's like our home! Come and enjoy!

» NHS Bowel Screening translated leaflets

The NHS bowel cancer screening 'Helping you Decide' leaflet has now been translated now into 30 languages. Please see the link for where you can download the leaflets.

» Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Project The Survey Findings Report (August 2024)

The BME Health Forum was commissioned by Rethink and the NHS to work in collaboration with four BME grassroot organisations to conduct a survey regarding suicide prevention and mental health with one hundred residents. The survey was conducted during October 2023-March 2024. You can now read the final report of the survey findings which is also available to download from our website.

» Muslim Mental Health Alliance services and resources

The Muslim Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) is an affiliation of 7 Muslim mental health organisations working together to create, support and signpost to mental health resources, services, and therapeutic support tailored for our Muslim communities, placing Muslim mental health at the heart of their work. Please see the following links to services and resources.

» Crisis Prevention Fund - support for residents in H&F

This fund is for anyone living in H&F who is struggling with a financial emergency or crisis and is to help residents meet vital day-to-day living expenses. Eligible residents can receive up to £300 to pay for essentials including food, gas, and electricity.

» Keeping Children Safe Around Windows campaign

In the UK, one child under five is admitted to hospital every day after falling from a building. Pre-school children are particularly at risk as they are curious, have no understanding of danger, and can take parents by surprise in their development.

» Policy Support for groups from the BME Health Forum

The BME Health Forum is offering support to groups with their policies e.g safeguarding, financial, volunteering, disciplinary and grievances procedure. This can be particularly useful for when you require to provide them for a potential funder - so if you need this do get in touch!

» Finding Quality Immigration Advice

The Mayor, London Assembly, GLA website have recently added content around finding quality immigration advice on the Migrant Londoners Hub. Information includes when you should seek advice, how immigration advice can help you, how to find an immigration lawyer and whether you will need to pay or not. There is also Google translate function at the bottom of the page.

» Funding: Communities Priorities Programme for WCC is now open!

The Community Priorities Programme is a grants programme funded by the council and coordinated by our Communities Department. It aims to strengthen communities in the borough, specifically in areas of highest deprivation: Queens Park, Bayswater, Westbourne, Church Street, Harrow Road, Maida Vale, Little Venice, Abbey Road, Lancaster Gate, Pimlico North and South, Vincent Square, and St James’s ward. Applicants can apply for funding between £2,000 and £30,000.

» FREE Group Coaching for Community Leaders from Think Well (June 13th, 20th and 4th July)

Leadership Coach and Founder of Between Humans, Laura Love-Petschl will bring together community leaders in an innovative three-part online group coaching programme, free of charge, to: Facilitate personal and professional growth and development of leaders; Create opportunities to initiate authentic connections with other participating leaders; Turn thinking into action by linking ‘Thinking Well’ with practical steps for change within organisations and communities.

» Women only coffee mornings at Flashpoint SW10 on Fridays

Come and join a feel good women only coffee morning on Friday mornings at Flashpoint, Blantyre street, SW10 at 10am. Enjoy and afrobeats dance workout and a light healthy breakfast.

» EVENT: Cervical Cancer Awareness session - 25th May, 8.30pm

The Sudanese Nubian Association - UK and Ahfad Support Group - UK invite you to join our online workshop on identifying the signs of cervical cancer on Saturday 25th May from 8.30pm - 10pm. This event will be online via zoom.

» CB Plus financial services to Charities

CB Plus provide an accountancy, payroll and independent examination servicem at a much cheaper cost than a commercial rate. It's specifically for VCS organisations so advice is specialised. We can do one-off services or complete accounts services. Services include: Bookkeeping and financial systems; Payroll services; and financial planning.

» SAEB Safeguarding Ambassadors Video and Survey

Please see SAEB new Say No to Abuse video ‘If it just doesn’t feel right, tell someone’ presented by SAEB Safeguarding Ambassadors. After viewing the video, if you haven’t already can you please complete this short survey to support the distribution of this video across the wider partnership. We would also like to draw your attention to our Say No to Abuse digital and printable Safeguarding booklet.

» Age UK leaflet of Westminster services (May 2024)

Please see the current services leaflet for Age UK Westminster including details about: Information and Advice service; Complex needs Information and Advice and Advocacuy service, Wellbeing and Connections post discharge service, Activities, Lunch clubs, and Face to face and telephone befriending services.

» Volunteer at the Listening Place

The Listening Place is an award winning charity supporting those who feel suicidal.  It's simple - a welcoming place to go; a person who cares; an opportunity to be heard. We rely on our wonderful Listening Volunteers to provide this vital service. If you are warm, empathetic and resilient, if you want to help others, if you can listen without judgment, and if you have the time to commit to a regular, fortnightly 4-hour shift at our site in Hammersmith - we would love to hear from you. 

» Morrisons Foundation Grants - Making a difference in Local Communities

Based in Bradford, the supermarket chain Morrisons established the Morrisons Foundation in 2015 to support local good causes across Great Britain. Nearly 10 years later, the Foundation welcomes applications from registered charities in England, Scotland and Wales. Grants of up to £10,000 (previously the maximum grant was £25,000) are available for specific projects that help to improve people’s lives.

» Waterloo Community Counselling Low Cost and Multi-Ethnic Counselling Service (MECS)

Waterloo Community Counselling's Low-Cost Counselling services offer long-term talking therapy at reduced fees. We reach adults from diverse backgrounds who have experienced loss, trauma and abuse, and are struggling with anxiety, depression and other difficulties. Our unique Multi-Ethnic Counselling Service (MECS) provides free mother-tongue counselling to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers who have survived exile, torture, human trafficking and modern slavery in 34 languages.

» Resources for patients waiting for an appointment or surgery at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust recently published a set of resources for patients waiting for an appointment or surgery at the hospital. On the Imperial College website, there are now pages on: Waiting for an appointment, surgery or treatment; Staying well while you wait; and Frequently asked questions.

» Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme

The NHS Path to Remission Programme is a free 12-month programme designed to provide you with all the tools you need to help you lose weight, control your blood sugar, reduce your medication and potentially put your diabetes in remission. In North West London the programme is currently being provided by Counterweight.

» Supporting people with different needs to access London Ambulances Services

It is recognised that in many cases a number of callers to emergency services may not have English as their first language. In such instances, a third party language translation service may be used to assist the EMD (Emergency Medical Dispatcher) in taking the details of the call (at the point of the 999 or 111 call) . [This is done by conferencing in the interpreter once the language required is confirmed].

» NHS prostate cancer awareness animated films

Please take a look at the following 10 short animated films aimed at promoting awareness about prostate cancer. These animated films were made by Guy’s & St Thomas NHS Hospital Foundation Trust in partnership with Year 2 University of London Art Students at the London College of Communications in Elephant and Castle.

» Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme

The NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme is a joint initiative between NHS England and Diabetes UK. This programme provides a low calorie, total diet replacement treatment for people who are living with type 2 diabetes and obesity or overweight: the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme.

» Olmec - Diversify London Programme

Diversify London ia programme that aims to provide VSOs across London with board ready candidates from Black, racialised or minoritised communities who have completed Olmec's Black on Board programme. Black on board is a programme Olmec have been running since 2008 that provides individuals with the skills to gain governance positions to address the lack of diversity on boards and in senior management.

» EVENT - ACAA Protest for Women's Rights in Afghanistan - 08.03.2024

On the 8th of March at 10 AM, International Women's Day, ACAA will be holding a demonstration in Parliament Square. It has been nearly three years since women and girls have been denied education in Afghanistan, among other human rights violations. This cannot last any longer, for these conditions affect not only women, but the whole population. Therefore, this demonstration is to represent how pressing the issue is.

» Staying well while you wait (for a hospital procedure) Information/ support webpage

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust have recently updated their Staying Well while you wait webpage. This has some very useful info and tips of things you can do to help you stay well and prepare for your procedure. These include stopping smoking, exercising regularly, drinking less alcohol and eating a healthy diet.

» EVENT: Safe and Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate - 15.03.24

A Special event on Friday 15th March 2024 - Safe and Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate. The purpose of this event is to disseminate crucial information aimed at assisting older adults in maintaining their safety and well-being amidst shifting weather patterns and environmental conditions. There will be nformation stalls to help you gain knowledge and understanding of services. There will be a number of guest speakers from Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster councils.

» Digital Inclusion and NHS online services information

Please see a collection of resources to support patients in using NHS App and Patchs tool. You will also find some useful manuals and information leaflets about ordering repeat prescriptions, using PKB (Patients Know Best) website and other useful digital inclusion and NHS online services support.

» London Catalyst Grants

Grants are available for registered charities in London which are working with an experienced health agency or community partner to improve the health and wellbeing of people with long-term health conditions, disabilities and/or those who are vulnerable and marginalised. Grants of between £3,000 and £15,000 are available to fund projects, usually for one year. The average award is around £8,000.

» The Clear Path project

The Clear Path project is a local initiative that aims to help people who are facing mental health challenges in Hammersmith and Fulham. The project provides a range of services, such as counselling, supporting with housing application, support with GP application, talking therapy, and workshops, to help the well-being and recovery of our clients.

» Health Equity Programme - NHS North West London

NHS North West London's health equity programme is working with partners and the communities of North West London to make real change in terms of improving inequalities in health and care. We know that some people in our communities in NW London are dying earlier than they should, with a range of factors including poverty, poor-quality housing, low-paid or unstable jobs impacting people’s physical and mental health. The health equity programme focusses on putting people at the heart of what we do – reducing inequalities, improving people’s health outcomes, and reducing the differences in healthy life expectancy.

» Suicide Prevention and mental Health promotion 2nd workshop on Arts therapy

You are cordially invited to join us on Friday the 19th of January from 11 am to 2 pm for the Arts Therapy workshop at Church Street Library. This is our second Community Learning event around Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion.

» Women’s group at Turning Point Drug & Alcohol Wellbeing service

At our women’s group we provide a safe space where female clients can connect to reduce isolation and improve their overall wellbeing. We provide a mixture of activities that can support the ladies to build further on their self- esteem and self- confidence.

» Kensington & Chelsea Fraud Newsletter (December 2023)

The K&C Fraud newsletter contains information and figures of fraud cases in the borough including useful information about how to protect yourself against fraud crimes.

» Workshops to improve breast screening information - 30th Nov or 12th Dec

Do you want to help improve breast cancer screening information and invitations? We are looking for 6 people to join two different workshops. We encourage people from underserved populations including but not limited to ethnic minority groups e.g., Asian, Black African or Caribbean, Arab, Mixed ethnicity and those from a disadvantaged background to apply.

» Support and Guidance During Current Events in Israel and Palestine

We are aware that ongoing, shocking events in Israel and Palestine have led to heightened tensions and emotional distress within our communities and want to remind you that Westminster’s Prevent team are available should you require our assistance; we are able to provide support and guidance for anyone who may be impacted by the current situation. If you or someone you know is feeling distressed or overwhelmed due to the recent events, there are resources and support available to help you navigate through these difficult times.

» Build your own Community Website in 7 weeks

This training from Superhighways will bring together a small group of people from 8 to 10 micro charities and community organisations to build their own website, using the free community website builder Voice Online Communities. The training will run weekly online, 10am to 12pm weekly, starting Wednesday 25 October 2023.

» Pressures on our emergency services in this hot weather

Our A&Es are extremely busy with waits of up to 11 hours. We are seeing many health issues related to the current warm weather – please do share the link below which gives advice on looking after yourself in warm weather, especially if you have asthma or hayfever. It also provides information on where to go if you need help so we can keep A&E for life threatening emergencies. The leaflet is also available in a number of different languages.

» Bi Borough VCS Health and Wellbeing Strategy

This Strategy has been developed over a period of months through a collaborative process with the voluntary and community sector and colleagues from across the statutory sector/NHS. It presents a number of case studies from the VCS that illustrate its main goals and offers a set of clear recommended actions.

» WCC Grant Funding opportunities information page

Please see the Westminster City Council landing page for all upcoming council grant funding opportunities for the VCS.

» Safeguarding training for BME groups

This course has been developed to provide attendees with an awareness of what adult safeguarding is as set out under the provisions of the Care Act 2014 and support staff to identify signs and indicators of abuse and neglect and to understand the referral pathway to raise a safeguarding concern.

» What's in the Community resource page

What's in the Community Resource page collects information / flyers about services and activities and support resources available in or to RBKC residents divided in sections such as Massages/ Acupuncture, Food, Warm hubs, Cost of living support, Debt, benefits, and housing advice, Education and training, and much more.

» New Dementia Adviser for Westminster

We are pleased to introduce you to the new Dementia Adviser for Westminster, Skia Fentiman. She will be offering advice and support for those living with dementia in Westminster and also coordinates events such as the free Memory Cafes. The next one is coming up on 30th November.

» EMBARRASSED by Steve McQueen - A short film

Here is Steve McQueen's EMBARRASSED - a short film created to help raise awareness of prostate cancer within the black community and featuring Idris Elba CBE, Chiwetel Ejiofor CBE, Michael Ward, and Morgan Freeman.. The message is that if you are a black man aged over 45 you should ask your GP for a PSA test. Prostate cancer is generally easy to treat (without chemotherapy) and survivable if caught reasonably early.

» Report of Joint Committee on Human Rights: Black people, racism, and human rights

Please download and see the House of Commons/ House of Lords Joint Committee on Human Rights report: Black people, racism, and human rights - including formal minutes relating to the report.

» Free online contraception - 16+

Residents of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council can now access free contraception online. All you need to do is register on the website, you will directed to the contraception page where you will find all methods available these include; Emergency Hormonal Contraception, Progesterone only pill and the Combined only pill.

» Kooth - FREE online support for young people

Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.

» Mother's Support Group

Westminster Befriend a Family runs a Mother’s Support Group at Derry Hall on the Church Street Estate, between 10am and 12pm every Wednesday. It’s a place for mums and mums to be to meet up, have a (free!) cup of tea or coffee and enjoy some cake and a chat.

» March 2019 Quarterly Meeting Notes

Topics: Hammersmith & Fulham CCG's Financial Recovery Plans - request for feedback; Westminster and RBKC Councils' Dementia Strategy - request for local community input; Iraqi Association presentation; World Foods Carbs and Cals book (specifically targeted at BAME communities) Update from Diabetes Transformation team.

» December 2018 Quarterly Meeting Notes

Topics: Request for feedback on NHS 111 service; Information about Latent TB and raising awareness; request for feedback on Primary and Urgent Care services in H&F; Volunteer Centre K&C - working with BME organisations

» ADKC Disability Connect project

The Disability Connect project is for socially isolated disabled people (with a physical, sensory or hidden impairment) who need or would like some encouragement and support to get out and about doing activities of interest to them.

» September 2018 Quarterly Meeting Notes

Topics: Health Help Now App, GP Extended Hours, FAWA (French African Welfare Association), Central London Youth Development Trust cooking Sessions with children, Mosaic Community Trust programmes with Local Women in Church Street

» Sexual Health London - Free Home STI Testing Kit

Sexual Health London have commissioned an online sexual health testing website. It provides sexual health testing via post kit - very useful for young people and vulnerable groups.

» Free online support and wellbeing 365 days per year is a professional mental health and wellbeing service, commissioned to Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith, Fulham and Westminster FREE to use for 11-19 year olds.

» June 2018 Quarterly Meeting Notes

Topics: Creating a new dietary resource for BAME communities with Diabetes and H&F Outcomes Framework, Update on the equalities framework & GP Extended Hours

» March 2018 Quarterly Meeting Notes

Theme: Integrated Care - My Care My Way and Engagement work done around Integrated Care Outcomes Framework

» December 2017 Quarterly Meeting Notes

Theme: Tackling Obesity in BME communities

» September 2017 Quarterly Meetings Notes

Theme: Improving the Health and Wellbeing of disadvantaged communities in Hammersmith & Fulham

» Professional Interpreters: Language is Everything

A supplier of professional interpreters – face-to-face, by telephone and written translations. We offer 136 different languages and dialects for face-to-face assignments in London and more by telephone. We have an office in North Westminster and are already supplying to Local Authority frontline teams, NHS Trusts and national third sector organisations working within the Tri-borough meaning that our interpreters know the area and are already on the ground, daily.

» June 2017 Quarterly Meeting notes

Theme: Habits and Addictions in BME communities

» The Alcohol Service

Change, grow, live is a social care and health charity that works with individuals who want to change negative patterns of behaviour and achieve positive and life-affirming goals.

» March 2017 Quarterly Meeting notes

THEME:Getting involved in improving services

» December 2016 Quarterly Meeting Notes

THEME: Migration, Homelessness and Mental Health

» July 20th Diabetes Open Meeting Notes

THEME: Diabetes and Black Minority Ethnic Communities

» May 2016 Quarterly Meeting notes

THEME: Domestic Abuse among BME Communities. This meeting explored the issue of Domestic Abuse from many different angles such as the barriers around housing, the particular difficulties for people with no recourse to public funds and the psychological issues for young people who have been exploited...

» March 2016 Quarterly Meeting notes

THEME: Stigma. This meeting's theme was about stigma and how it contributes to inequalities and stops people accessing services. We heard presentations discussing stigma in many different contexts from mental health and sexual health to the stigma surrounding disabilities, gender transitioning and dying.

» Healthy Relationships:Healthy Baby Programme

Pregnancy is a time of hope but can also bring challenges and strains. Healthy Relationships:Healthy Baby is a new programme from a local charity, especially for expectant mums and dads living in Westminster. Our dedicated team will work with you and your family so you can bring an end to hurtful behavior...

» December 2015 Quarterly Meeting notes

Theme: Young People's Health & Wellbeing. This was a great meeting to attend to hear about projects in the voluntary sector and ask our NHS commissioners and providers some searching questions. Presentations included: Westminster Mind, Spectra, Al Badja and the Westminster council...

» The Talking Talk Shop at The Dalgarno Trust, Wednesdays 11am - 12.30pm

The Talking Talk Shop is now open at The Dalgarno Trust on Wednesdays from 11am - 12.30pm. We work with people from all backgrounds with varying disabilities, who are on waiting list or finished counselling but wish to continue talking in a confidential, relaxed and safe environment...

» September 2015 Quarterly Meeting Notes

THEME: DEMENTIA - This was a great event to attend to find out more about how services for people with Dementia have been planned and delivered and question the people in charge of doing so. It was also a great opportunity to find out more about how to support people with Dementia and what services are available in the NHS and the third sector including some specialist services for BME communities.

» SMART Projects Stop Smoking Service

SMART Projects is launching a Stop Smoking Service, funded by the Kensington & Chelsea Social Council and in partnership with the Kick-it Stop Smoking Service. SMART will be providing Stop smoking advice on a one to one basis and workshops for people who would like to find out more...

» Al-Aman (DVIP) Arabic Speaking service

DVIP’s Al-aman service has continued to receive funding from London Councils to support women from Arabic speaking communities who have been affected by gender based violence, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and honour based violence...

» Different Voices’ Directory of Services in Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea

A directory of services was produced by the Different Voices Group at The Advocacy Project. It is a user involvement group that focuses on improving inpatient services and tackling the stigma attached to mental health. All the recommendations in the booklet are based on the service users’ own experiences of having used those services...

» Royal Trinity Hospice launches new dementia service in Kensington and Chelsea

Royal Trinity Hospice has launched a new service to support people with dementia and their carers living in Kensington and Chelsea, tackling recognised inequalities in access to palliative and end of life care.Funded by West London CCG, Trinity’s specialist Community Dementia Nurse will support people...

» Conversational English for beginners (for over 50s)

Brush up on your spoken, written and grammatical English to become a more confident speaker! For people aged 50 and over. TUESDAYs - 10.00am – 12.00pm. £3.00 per class @ New Horizons, Guinness Trust Estate, Cadogan Street, London, SW3 2PF...

» Healthier Homes Project

The Healthier Homes Project is a Public Health funded project to assist in reducing hospital admissions, GP visits and winter deaths caused by residents living in homes that are too cold, damp or are in dangerous conditions that put their health at risk.The project works as a referral service...

» ANGELOU Referrals

Angelou is a partnership of 9 organisations offering a shared service across Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster supporting women and girls who are experiencing violence and abuse.

» June 2015 Quarterly Meeting notes

THEME: SUPPORTING PEOPLE APPROACHING THE END OF THEIR LIVES. This meeting was about how to best support people who are approaching the end of their lives. Public health are conducting a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) about end of life care and would like to hear from you about how you feel services work currently and any gaps that there might be...

» March 2015 Quarterly Meeting notes


» Services

» Activities/Courses

» December 2014 Quarterly Meeting notes


» September 2014 Quarterly Meeting notes


» New Young Women's Domestic Violence project for Arabic speakers

Al-Hasaniya Moroccan's Women's Centre have a new project for young women of Arabic backgrounds who have or are experiencing domestic violence. The service is aimed at young women aged between 16 and 25 years old who live in London...

» June 2014 Quarterly Meeting notes


» Counselling Services for female survivors of domestic and sexual abuse (Westminster and K&C)

Please be aware of the free Therapeutic Services provided by Solace Women’s Aid in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster. These include:1to1 counselling for female survivors of domestic violence age 14 + (Ascent). 1to1 counselling for female survivors of sexual violence including child sexual abuse (aged 14+)...

» New Domestic Abuse service for Arabic speaking Women

Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women’s Centre has recently been successful in securing funding for a new project to support young, vulnerable women of Arabic speaking backgrounds who are or have experienced domestic abuse. Our service is aimed at young women aged between 16 and 25 years old...

» Kick-It FREE Stop Smoking Support service for local communities

The Free Stop Smoking Support sessions include specialist behavioural support by certified Stop Smoking Practitioners, which will improve the client’s motivation as well as help building up capacities and strategies to stay smoke-free...

» Westminster Connect - Peer support group

The peer support is for people aged 18 to 60 who have a physical disability, hearing or sight impairments and those with long term health conditions. Westminster Connect also co-ordinates peer support for Deaf people...

» April 2014 Quarterly Meeting notes

THEME: Unscheduled care - the utilisation of A and E and Urgent care services by BME communities

» Housing and resettlement, Welfare benefits and debt advice (Westminster)

The Bayswater Families Centre, in conjunction with CAB, Homestart and Z2K are holding Drop-in Advice sessions covering: Housing Advice and Assistance; Resettlement Advice and Assistance; Welfare benefits Advice and Assistance; Debt Advice and Assistance...

» Zumba at Portobello Green Fitness Club

Fridays 2 - 3pm, Portobello Green Fitness Club. Price £2.10. It's fun, It's fitness, It's ZUMBA!...

» IKWRO - Self Confidence Support Group for Women

Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) is registered charity that provides confidential support, advice and advocacy and outreach to women and girls of Middle Eastern origin. We work to help women and girls who are facing gender based violence...

» November 2013 Quarterly Meeting notes


» September 2013 Quarterly Meeting notes


» K&C Mind HARP Group (Hoarding, Acquiring Recovery Planning)

The HARP Support Group is a new, monthly, facilitated self-help programme, for people who are motivated to develop strategies and actions to manage and modify compulsive hoarding behaviour...

» British Red Cross Refugees and Befriending Project

The British Red Cross runs four 'Refugees and Befriending Projects' (R'n'B) for young unaccompanied refugees and asylum seekers aged 14-21. Our peer-led befriending projects are facilitated by peer-befrienders and adult volunteers...

» December 2012 Quarterly Meeting notes


» September 2012 Quarterly Meeting notes


» June 2012 Quarterly Meeting notes

» July 2013 Quarterly Meeting notes

» Free Days Out for Carers in Kensington and Chelsea

We also offer free training courses, complimentary therapies, other free events, talks and social meet-ups - booking essential...

» March 2011 Quarterly Meeting notes

» June 2011 Quarterly Meeting notes

» September 2011 Quarterly Meeting notes

» December 2011 Quarterly Meeting notes

» March 2012 Quarterly Meeting notes

Date & Time: 7th March 12, 10am – 1pm, Venue: The Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU, Theme: Men’s Health & Wellbeing

» March 2013 Quarterly Meeting notes

Theme: Women’s Health & Wellbeing Date: 6th March 2013 Venue: Lighthouse West Lodon

» Domestic abuse and Sexual violence Information about Helpline services in your area

Please see below some information about domestic and sexual violence helplines that are funded by London Councils and available in your area...

» Psychological Therapies in languages other than English

Please note that all NHS psychological therapy services are obliged to provide an interpreter for people who are not fluent English speakers. This includes counselling services offered by GP practices as well as IAPT or other mental health services offered by CNWL or CLCH...

» Personalisation Project at the Chinese Mental Health Association

The Befriending Service at the Chinese Mental Health Association is running a pilot Personalisation project for ethnic Chinese sufferers of mental health. Personalisation is about giving people with needs, choice and control over their care, with support and resources provided by their local authority...

» Help for your Family with Home-Start (Westminster)

We support ANY family in Westminster who needs us, providing there is at least 1 child under 5. Rich or poor, settled or transient.Our trained volunteers help to give encouragement and support to change the pattern of troubled lives...

» Westminster Wellbeing - Free NHS service promoting Health and Wellbeing

Westminster Wellbeing is a free NHS service promoting health and wellbeing within communities and organisations in Westminster. We provide a range of services which include training and workshops for community organisations...

» NHS videos aimed at newly arrived migrants in various languages

Here are a series of short films on how to use the NHS aimed at newly arrived migrants produced by the Black Health Agency. The film is available in English, Arabic, Cantonese, Farsi/Dari, French, Kurdish, Mandarin, Polish, Somali, Sylheti and Urdu...

» Counselling Directory - search for a counsellor or psychotherapist near you

Counselling Directory was set up as a free, confidential service to encourage those in distress to seek help. Visitors can read about different areas of distress, view useful articles written by counsellors and refine their...

» Maternity Action Advice Line

Maternity Action’s Advice Line offers free confidential telephone support. We will listen to you and try to understand all the issues you are facing. We will then provide you with information that is relevant to you and your situation...

» Fit for Work Service in Kensington & Chelsea now expanding to Westminster and Hammermith & Fulham

Fit for Work Service in Kensington & Chelsea now expanding to Westminster and Hammermith & Fulham

» Healthworks

HEALTHWORKS√ offers a range of services to help the residents of Kensington and Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham, Westminster and surrounding boroughs

» Rape Crisis London

Rape Crisis London has four centres that offer help, information and support to women and girls who have experienced sexual violence of any kind, at any time of their lives...

» Breathe Easy Support Group

DO YOU LIVE IN PIMLICO AND SUFFER FROM A BREATHING PROBLEM? BREATHE EASY PADDINGTON is your Westminster patient support group, for anyone affected by a lung condition. We offer mutual support, information...

» Substance misuse services - NEW three borough service

Turning Point and Blenheim have been commissioned to provide the new substance misuse service in Westminser, RBKC, and Hammersmith & Fulham. This service is named the Recovery & Wellbeing network and will transform the way that drug and alcohol services are provided locally...

» Health Centre for walk-in (unregistered) patients

The Halfpenny Steps Health Centre provides health services for registered and walk-in patients. It is staffed with a team of GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals to deliver a high quality, continuous service...

» Public Health Training Service - RBKC

The Royal Borough can help your business. We offer award-winning training on Food Safety and Health and Safety. We also offer Environmental Principles training, Personal Licence Holders training and Customer Service Training...

» Housing Factsheet Library

Some housing factsheets on key housing issues. The fact sheets provide a very basic summary of the issue, the possible actions you can take, and who to contact for further information...

» Dementia Adviser Service in Westminster

The Westminster Dementia Adviser service provides advice, information and guidance to those who have received a diagnosis of dementia, as well as their families and supporters. As well as working in partnership with NHS...

» North London Rape Crisis Service

North London Rape Crisis offers free, confidential counselling, advocacy and holistic therapies to women aged 14 and over who live, work or study in Islington, Camden, Westminster, Barnet, Enfield, Kensington and Chelsea and Haringey...

» Get Active! - Affordable activities for all abilities and ages at the Beethoven Centre

See details below for affordable activities for all abilities and ages available at the Beethoven Centre...

» Helpline for Maternity Services

The maternity helpline provides direct access to clinical support and advice to women and their families, irrespective of whether you are a patient of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, a visitor to the area or simply require information and support.

» Women's Wellbeing, Patient Empowerment and Mental Health & Wellbeing projects at Mosaic Community Trust

The Mosaic Community Trust’s Women’s Well-Being Project seeks to empower women who are socially disadvantaged. The Patient Empowerment and Engagement project aims to raise awareness in the local community on the availability and effective use primary care health services...

» Fit-for-Life - Free 8 week weight loss programme

This FREE eight week group behaviour change programme is designed to help the patients to lose weight, get fitter and make more informed choices about your diet and lifestyle...

» HELP Counselling - low cost short & long term counselling service

Based in Portobello Road, Notting Hill Gate, London, HELP Counselling Centre provides short & long-term counselling based on an affordable, sliding scale for people who need support in negotiating a crisis as well as for those who wish to consider their life patterns and choices...

» Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) - Westminster service

STRESSED, ANXIOUS, DEPRESSED? If you are finding it difficult to cope with feelings of anxiety or depression, we can offer quick and easy access to help and support...

» LIVING WELL - Wellbeing services

Living Well offers a wide range of high-quality health related services aimed at providing people with the skills they need to get the most out of life. Services include HIV service, Youth service and Community support service...

» FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) Service

West London African Women's service - Community support and information...

» Healthier Life for You blog

Healthier LIfe 4 You is a community organisation not for profit with charitable aims. We aim to promote Health and Wellbeing to local people in the community (Families, Children & Young people). As well as running Health workshops, we use Dance, Art & Craft and Leisure activities to enable service users to achieve emotional and Physical wellbeing...

» South Westminster Centre for Health

Provides community and specialist dental services, district nursing, nutrition and dietetics, diabetes and podiatry (foot health) services, Speech and language therapy for children...

» Independent Domestic Violence Advisory Service at ADVANCE

ADVANCE is a specialist domestic violence crisis intervention service. We support women who are assessed as being high or very high risk of continued domestic and sexual abuse and those at risk of being killed...

» GO4mental health

A website/ directory for mental health service users in Westminster...

» Deaf Hope Services

Deaf Hope is a new specialist domestic abuse service for Deaf women and children, and the first service of its kind in the UK. We have been established around 18 months and our current funding is...

» Jobs/Volunteering