Please see the following update of the wellbeing activities taking place at the ClementJames centre including: Women's Confidence Programme (6 weeks); Yoga for Beginners; Fortnightly Gardening Group; Weekly Wellbeing Group; and Creative Wellbeing Group .
FREE DBS webinar to staff and member organisations of all Greater London CVSs and VCs on Wednesday 9 October from 10:00 – 12:00. This webinar will be of value to those who have recruitment / management / safeguarding responsibilities; are involved in safer recruitment processes; recruit or manage those in regulated activity; are responsible for making DBS referrals.
We are delighted to be back running 2024 One Westminster Volunteers’ Fair and welcoming community (who live, study & work in Westminster) alongside charities and community projects based in Westminster. Please come along for the opportunity to network and recruit volunteers.
See the latest funding opportunities and news from London Community Foundation including information about Greenwich Peninsula Community Fund; Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund; Thamesmead Community Fund; Lambeth Community Fund; Wimbledon Foundation Homelessness Fund; Walking and Cycling Grants London; Shaftesbury Young People Trust; and more.
Join One Westminster for another in their series of Meet the Funder online events, this time with three funders - The Sylvia Waddilove Foundation UK, The Field Family Charitable Trust and The Sheldon Trust. The meeting will be on Tuesday 8 October from 3pm to 4pm via Zoom.
Please see information about upcoming events in Hammersmith and Fulham this September including: Inclusive Innovation in Mental Health & Wellbeing in H&F; Family Champions Coffee/Networking morning; H&F Patient Reference Group; H&F Listening event, Patient Carer Race Equality Framework; NEW breastfeeding Drop in; and Updated Dementia guide.
Researchers from Imperial College London are inviting people aged 16 to 25 years old with experience of waiting for mental health treatment. By completing this survey, you can help them gain valuable insights into how to better support young people during this waiting period. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to be put into a prize draw for a £100 amazon voucher.
Adult Learning Enrolment Week at The ClementJames Centre is on 9-13th September 2024. We would love to welcome any new clients or referrals during this week. We will be assessing and registering learners as drop-in from 9.30 with a last entry at 3pm.
Adult Social Care & Health- Integrated Commissioning are conducting user research on the Health Visiting Service to explore from service users’ perspective, why there is a low uptake of some mandatory development checks for children under the age of 2.5, and its impact. As part of the user research, we are conducting 2 focus group with pregnant women in each of the boroughs Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea to get a better idea what they understand the role of health visiting service to be and find out what their needs are.
Westminster and The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea have commissioned Every Life Matters to deliver an intensive programme of Suicide Prevention Training. The training is for anyone who wants to understand more about suicide, how to spot when someone may be having thoughts of suicide, how to talk openly about suicide, and what practical support we can all offer each other. Also do have a look at the new Suicide Prevention directory of services for Westminster and for Kensington and Chelsea. This is a directory of services where you will find practical information on the support available locally in Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea.
We recognise that August has been a challenging month for many communities across London. From the violent and racist public disorder and riots we saw across the UK towards the beginning of the month, to the Dagenham fire earlier this week, we know many partners have been working hard to support Londoners. Community resilience has never been more important – how we work with community and faith partners, how we empower and support our communities to better prepare, respond and recover from emergencies and crises. Please read on the London Resilience Update for August.
We are reaching out to local organisations like yours in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea with an exciting opportunity to contribute to the future of our community. We’re conducting the Kensington and Chelsea Experience Survey as part of a broader effort to better understand and enhance the evening and night-time economy in the borough.
The Greater London Authority (GLA) is seeking to commission research to develop an evidence-based London response to access to protection for survivors of modern slavery . This research forms part of a two-year programme that will also seek to develop and trial new ways of working, with the aim to ensure that all victims and survivors can report crimes and access support as victim and survivors first.
The NHS bowel cancer screening 'Helping you Decide' leaflet has now been translated now into 30 languages. Please see the link for where you can download the leaflets.
Turtle Song is a 9-week programme of free singing and songwriting sessions together with people living with dementia and all forms of memory loss and their companions and carers. Participants will work with a professional composer, director and team of student musicians to compose their own song cycle which will culminate in a performance for friends and family.
Please see the latest newsletter from Young Westminster Foundation with several training, job and funding opportunities including: funding from YOUTH FUTURES FOUNDATION - Grants for voluntary sector delivery organisations to support youth employability activities; WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL Energy Efficiency grants; and THE NATIONAL LOTTERY COMMUNITY FUND
Grants to bring diverse communities together and help children and young people use their voice to influence change.
Free Face to Face/Online Birth Education Classes for all RBKC pregnant women and birthing people. Our new classes begin on Wednesday 4th September 2024 from 10.30-12.30. Our 5-week sessions include information around birth preparation, knowing your rights and options, mental health and wellbeing and confident parenting.
The BME Health Forum was commissioned by Rethink and the NHS to work in collaboration with four BME grassroot organisations to conduct a survey regarding suicide prevention and mental health with one hundred residents. The survey was conducted during October 2023-March 2024. You can now read the final report of the survey findings which is also available to download from our website.
This survey aims to aid research into how business networks and groups can be supported to prepare for, and respond to emergency incidents that affect their communities – from the civil unrest seen recently, to flooding, terrorist attacks, power outage, fire, pandemics and beyond. By sharing your thoughts and experience in this survey, there will be opportunity for you to access more information and support for your group of businesses in this area of emergency preparation and response.
Local Area Coordinator roles in Westminster (both Queen’s Park and Pimlico South) are now live with application deadlines on 15th Sep. As Local Area Coordinator, you can make your own powerful contribution to helping people live the lives they want. With responsibility for a specific local area, you’ll be an accessible point of contact for people and families. It will be your role to “walk alongside” service users, helping them to find sustainable solutions to the concerns and challenges they have.
The Muslim Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) is an affiliation of 7 Muslim mental health organisations working together to create, support and signpost to mental health resources, services, and therapeutic support tailored for our Muslim communities, placing Muslim mental health at the heart of their work. Please see the following links to services and resources.
This fund is for anyone living in H&F who is struggling with a financial emergency or crisis and is to help residents meet vital day-to-day living expenses. Eligible residents can receive up to £300 to pay for essentials including food, gas, and electricity.
Join UK Youth and NYA and Regional Youth Work Units for a shared space for youth workers and allied professionals working with young people to connect, reflect and provide support for one another following recent unrest within our communities. Please also finf a variety of resources compiled by Young Westminster Foundation.
Please see the latest health research events and opportunities for involvement in research at Imperial including: Help us shape research to improve the diagnosis of knee injuries and knee osteoarthritis; Opportunity for parents/guardians/carers whose children (aged 0-16 years old) have experienced respiratory infections; Opportunity for parents/guardians/carers whose children (aged 0-16 years old) have experienced care in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit; and several other opportunities.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has made a statement that London stands united against hatred - you can read here both his statement and that of the Deputy Mayor that has been posted on X (formerly twitter).
This summer has been all about bringing our community closer together. We had an amazing time at the Waterloo Festival, connecting with so many wonderful people. Our Gardening Club has been hard at work, transforming the office garden into a beautiful, green oasis. Plus, a huge shoutout to the ISG team for their incredible effort in running the Hackney Half Marathon to raise funds for us. Read about all this, and more, in the WCC newsletter.
Cysters and Endometriosis UK are working in partnership to ensure that all voices are heard in discussions about healthcare policy and initiatives, especially those from marginalised communities. The survey is anonymous and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Participants are not required to provide any personal or contact details that could identify them.
See the latest funding opportunities and news from London Community Foundation including information about Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund, Greenwich Peninsula Community Fund; Rosa’s Stand With Us Fund, The Fore; The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust; Lloyd’s Bank Foundation - Organisational Development Support Programme; and more
The ClementJames Centre currently has the following exciting job opportunities: Fundraising Manager (full time) and Volunteer Coordinator (part time). For both of these roles there will be a rolling recruitment and start dates will be as soon as possible.
It has long been recognised that despite an often-greater burden of disease, people from minority ethnic groups and other segments of society (including Gypsy Roma, non-English speakers, and those who are digitally excluded) are under-represented in clinical and health research. This often-inadvertent exclusion has serious implications for medical science by limiting the validity and generalisability of study findings and for social justice by affecting the allocation of resources for services and research. The Research Heroes Study was developed to understand existing barriers for under-representation in research.
Please see the latest newsletter from Young Westminster Foundation with several training, job and funding opportunities including: IDLEWILD TRUST -
Grants for arts organisations; SPORTED - The Barclays community football fund; CHANCES FOR CHILDREN - Grants for children and young people who have experienced a crisis; 2-3 DEGREES MASTERING MY FUTURE PROGRAMME; and BWW Mind Westminster Mental Health Fub programme.
In the UK, one child under five is admitted to hospital every day after falling from a building. Pre-school children are particularly at risk as they are curious, have no understanding of danger, and can take parents by surprise in their development.
The Helix centre with Imperial College London are looking for people to take part in our two research opportunities. The studies are open to people above the age of 65. The first study involves trying out a personalised healthy aging programme in your own home supported by smart phone sensors and a smart watch. The second study involves a 1-hour interview to share your views on the how you feel about smart homes and technology to monitor health.
The BME Health Forum is offering support to groups with their policies e.g safeguarding, financial, volunteering, disciplinary and grievances procedure. This can be particularly useful for when you require to provide them for a potential funder - so if you need this do get in touch!
The K&C Fraud newsletter contains information and figures of fraud cases in the borough including useful information about how to protect yourself against fraud crimes.
This August, Westminster Talking Therapies is starting a CBT group specifically for fathers (or partners) who are experiencing stress and anxiety relating to parenthood. This group will be hosted online for 6 weeks beginning Monday August 5th at 5.30pm.
Please see information about upcoming FREE training in Basic Sports First Aid (Tuesday 30th July and Tuesday 29th October full days) and also Safeguarding & Protecting Children (Tuesdays 23rd July and 22nd October 6-9pm)
Please see the latest GLA City Resilience Update including news and information about a new London Resilience newsletter; an invitation to the 2024 Summer Risk Webinar; and an invitation to register your venue as a cool space ahead of the summer.
See the latest funding opportunities and news from London Community Foundation including information about Greenwich Peninsula Community Fund; Cockane Grants for the Arts; Rosa’s Stand With Us Fund; Lloyd's Bank Foundation - d/Deaf and Disabled People's Organisations Programme; Windrush Justic Programme; Reaching Communities England; YAPP Charitable Trust; Children in Need Core Costs grants; and more
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is a behaviour change initiative that has formed part of the NHS's plan to embed non-communicable disease prevention and health promotion into the everyday practice of all staff, including those who are non-specialist and have little to no experience in public health. If you'd like to learn more about having effective conversations around healthy lifestyle, how to deal with defensiveness and signposting, please be sure to book yourself onto this training.
The Mayor, London Assembly, GLA website have recently added content around finding quality immigration advice on the Migrant Londoners Hub. Information includes when you should seek advice, how immigration advice can help you, how to find an immigration lawyer and whether you will need to pay or not. There is also Google translate function at the bottom of the page.
Please see the latest newsletter from Young Westminster Foundation with several training, job and funding opportunities including: WCC's Community Priorities grant funding (for Individuals and Organisations); Youth voice & engagement coordinator Vacancy at YWF; Level Up Your Work Forum (1st July, 12 - 2); Harrow Road Soup Kitch Windrush Celebration Day, 23rd June, 12 - 6pm.
The K&C Fraud newsletter contains information and figures of fraud cases in the borough including useful information about how to protect yourself against fraud crimes.
New research reveals a lack of understanding about cervical screening and why some don’t attend. A new survey (YouGov) commissioned by the UK’s leading gynaecological cancer charity The Eve Appeal has revealed a lack of understanding about what a cervical screening test is for and a range of barriers to attending a screening appointment when offered it.
The Community Priorities Programme is a grants programme funded by the council and coordinated by our Communities Department. It aims to strengthen communities in the borough, specifically in areas of highest deprivation: Queens Park, Bayswater, Westbourne, Church Street, Harrow Road, Maida Vale, Little Venice, Abbey Road, Lancaster Gate, Pimlico North and South, Vincent Square, and St James’s ward. Applicants can apply for funding between £2,000 and £30,000.
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust are looking for 5 people to take part in a group evaluation and design session on 1st December, 10-12pm at Hammersmith Hospital or Online. You must be over 18 and have had a Cardiology appointment at Hammersmith, St Marys or Charing Cross Hospital in the past 6 months.
Westminster City Council's third edition Prevent newsletter is here keeping you informed about the latest happenings around the Prevent Strategy and their work. Information enclosed includes: Workshops and projects offered for 2024/2025; Recent Prevent news including the government’s updated extremism definition and the establishment of the standards and compliance unit to oversee Prevent.
Proscribed groups in the UK, including the proscription of Hizb ut-Tahrir; The most recent Prevent statistics from 2022-2023; Updates from our Community Safety & Specialist Services at the Council, including the introduction of our newest advisory group and the appointment of the latest new staff member, the Community Resilience Officer; Resources and information on Hate Crime; and Awareness events.
Action on Disability and Trust for London proudly present 'Disability Equality & Coproduction Training Course'. Open to all Disabled People residing, working, volunteering, or studying in H&F, this course is designed to empower and equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to drive impactful change within their communities. Furthermore, attendance is completely free of charge, with participants receiving remuneration (£20 per session) as a token of appreciation for their invaluable contributions.
Please see up to date information about the Pimlico Toy Library! Services available to members include: Drop-in stay, play & toy-loan sessions for 0-4’s all year; Parental support and expertise; Song time and table top games led by Toy Librarian; New toys to explore,1000 toys to loan 50p or 1.00 per week; Special events and outings; Meet families from a range of backgrounds and cultures.
Leadership Coach and Founder of Between Humans, Laura Love-Petschl will bring together community leaders in an innovative three-part online group coaching programme, free of charge, to: Facilitate personal and professional growth and development of leaders; Create opportunities to initiate authentic connections with other participating leaders; Turn thinking into action by linking ‘Thinking Well’ with practical steps for change within organisations and communities.
At The National Lottery Community Fund, we believe social connections and community activities are at the heart of creating healthier, happier lives and a flourishing society. That’s why we support amazing community-led projects, and why we’re looking to make a bigger difference in the years ahead by listening and responding to communities and focusing on supporting bolder change.
Come and join a feel good women only coffee morning on Friday mornings at Flashpoint, Blantyre street, SW10 at 10am. Enjoy and afrobeats dance workout and a light healthy breakfast.
The Sudanese Nubian Association - UK and Ahfad Support Group - UK invite you to join our online workshop on identifying the signs of cervical cancer on Saturday 25th May from 8.30pm - 10pm. This event will be online via zoom.
CB Plus provide an accountancy, payroll and independent examination servicem at a much cheaper cost than a commercial rate. It's specifically for VCS organisations so advice is specialised. We can do one-off services or complete accounts services. Services include: Bookkeeping and financial systems; Payroll services; and financial planning.
Please see SAEB new Say No to Abuse video ‘If it just doesn’t feel right, tell someone’ presented by SAEB Safeguarding Ambassadors. After viewing the video, if you haven’t already can you please complete this short survey to support the distribution of this video across the wider partnership. We would also like to draw your attention to our Say No to Abuse digital and printable Safeguarding booklet.
Please see the current services leaflet for Age UK Westminster including details about: Information and Advice service; Complex needs Information and Advice and Advocacuy service, Wellbeing and Connections post discharge service, Activities, Lunch clubs, and Face to face and telephone befriending services.
Improve your English, learn computer skills, and boost your job chances. Nova offer TESOL (English as a second language) and Digital skill courses. In particular,they have two new digital courses starting this week: Basic Digital Skills (Mondy and Friday 10:30-12:30 at North Kensington Library) and Business Admin (13:00-15:00 at Nova), with a very experienced and professional ICT tutor.
Nubianlife would like to invite you to the launch of Trauma in Black Bodies on 17th May 2024, we will be exhibiting the art work of Cornelius Browne, from his ADUMAADAN Collection . The launch will be followed by monthly art therapy workshops on the last Friday of each month.
The Muslim Lived Experience Network- Women's Peer Support Group -
Would you like to join a confidential, non-judgemental and uplifting space for sisters with lived experience of mental health-related distress?
Join our online Fortnightly sessions* delivered by NHS qualified Lived Experieience Practitioners.
The Listening Place is an award winning charity supporting those who feel suicidal. It's simple - a welcoming place to go; a person who cares; an opportunity to be heard. We rely on our wonderful Listening Volunteers to provide this vital service. If you are warm, empathetic and resilient, if you want to help others, if you can listen without judgment, and if you have the time to commit to a regular, fortnightly 4-hour shift at our site in Hammersmith - we would love to hear from you.
This half day workshop, delivered via MS Teams is designed for all staff and volunteers who are in contact with adults at risk and work in the Bi-Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster. The course is aimed at those who have not previously attended safeguarding training and need basic safeguarding adults’ awareness.
Please see the following leaflets with information about Mosaic Community Trust's current activities and services including their Mother's Support Network group every Tuesday at the Portman centre, Connected Communities Social Hub at Penfold Community hub, and Holistic Patient Wellness group every tuesday at Penfold Community hub. Activities in these groups include social circle, massage, gentle exercise, nutritional advice, befriending and more.
Based in Bradford, the supermarket chain Morrisons established the Morrisons Foundation in 2015 to support local good causes across Great Britain. Nearly 10 years later, the Foundation welcomes applications from registered charities in England, Scotland and Wales. Grants of up to £10,000 (previously the maximum grant was £25,000) are available for specific projects that help to improve people’s lives.
Waterloo Community Counselling's Low-Cost Counselling services offer long-term talking therapy at reduced fees. We reach adults from diverse backgrounds who have experienced loss, trauma and abuse, and are struggling with anxiety, depression and other difficulties. Our unique Multi-Ethnic Counselling Service (MECS) provides free mother-tongue counselling to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers who have survived exile, torture, human trafficking and modern slavery in 34 languages.
Neighbourhood Douals in partnership with RBKC Early Years programmes and Kensington & Chelsea Foundation would like to share information about our free antenatal birth preparation classes face to face at Holmfield House Childrens Centre, 4-6 Golborne Road, W10 5PE, and online via Zoom starting on 17th April 2024 - December 11th 2024, Every Wednesday (10.30 -12.30).
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust recently published a set of resources for patients waiting for an appointment or surgery at the hospital. On the Imperial College website, there are now pages on: Waiting for an appointment, surgery or treatment; Staying well while you wait; and Frequently asked questions.
The NHS Path to Remission Programme is a free 12-month programme designed to provide you with all the tools you need to help you lose weight, control your blood sugar, reduce your medication and potentially put your diabetes in remission. In North West London the programme is currently
being provided by Counterweight.
It is recognised that in many cases a number of callers to emergency services may not have English as their first language. In such instances, a third party language translation service may be used to assist the EMD (Emergency Medical Dispatcher) in taking the details of the call (at the point of the 999 or 111 call) . [This is done by conferencing in the interpreter once the language required is confirmed].
Please take a look at the following 10 short animated films aimed at promoting awareness about prostate cancer. These animated films were made by Guy’s & St Thomas NHS Hospital Foundation Trust in partnership with Year 2 University of London Art Students at the London College of Communications in Elephant and Castle.
In - Deep is begining a new activity after Easter. We are starting free drama sessions for children and young people with SEND aged 3 - 18 in age appropriate groups building on our very popular arts based holiday workshops. This will begin Tuesday 23rd April at Francis Holland School for Girls, 39 Graham Terrace, London SW1 near Sloane Sq tube.
McPin are looking for 5 young people (age 14 - 21) to join the McPin Young People’s Advisory Group. You will join a project to design a tool for young people’s therapy preferences, and will also be a member of the McPin Young People’s Advisory Group.
The NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme is a joint initiative between NHS England and Diabetes UK. This programme provides a low calorie, total diet replacement treatment for people who are living with type 2 diabetes and obesity or overweight: the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme.
Diversify London ia programme that aims to provide VSOs across London with board ready candidates from Black, racialised or minoritised communities who have completed Olmec's Black on Board programme. Black on board is a programme Olmec have been running since 2008 that provides individuals with the skills to gain governance positions to address the lack of diversity on boards and in senior management.
On the 8th of March at 10 AM, International Women's Day, ACAA will be holding a demonstration in Parliament Square. It has been nearly three years since women and girls have been denied education in Afghanistan, among other human rights violations. This cannot last any longer, for these conditions affect not only women, but the whole population. Therefore, this demonstration is to represent how pressing the issue is.
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust have recently updated their Staying Well while you wait webpage. This has some very useful info and tips of things you can do to help you stay well and prepare for your procedure. These include stopping smoking, exercising regularly, drinking less alcohol and eating a healthy diet.
A Special event on Friday 15th March 2024 - Safe and Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate. The purpose of this event is to disseminate crucial information aimed at assisting older adults in maintaining their safety and well-being amidst shifting weather patterns and environmental conditions. There will be nformation stalls to help you gain knowledge and understanding of services. There will be a number of guest speakers from Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster councils.
Please see a collection of resources to support patients in using NHS App and Patchs tool. You will also find some useful manuals and information leaflets about ordering repeat prescriptions, using PKB (Patients Know Best) website and other useful digital inclusion and NHS online services support.
Grants are available for registered charities in London which are working with an experienced health agency or community partner to improve the health and wellbeing of people with long-term health conditions, disabilities and/or those who are vulnerable and marginalised. Grants of between £3,000 and £15,000 are available to fund projects, usually for one year. The average award is around £8,000.
The Clear Path project is a local initiative that aims to help people who are facing mental health challenges in Hammersmith and Fulham. The project provides a range of services, such as counselling, supporting with housing application, support with GP application, talking therapy, and workshops, to help the well-being and recovery of our clients.
NHS North West London's health equity programme is working with partners and the communities of North West London to make real change in terms of improving inequalities in health and care. We know that some people in our communities in NW London are dying earlier than they should, with a range of factors including poverty, poor-quality housing, low-paid or unstable jobs impacting people’s physical and mental health. The health equity programme focusses on putting people at the heart of what we do – reducing inequalities, improving people’s health outcomes, and reducing the differences in healthy life expectancy.
You are cordially invited to join us on Friday the 19th of January from 11 am to 2 pm for the Arts Therapy workshop at Church Street Library. This is our second Community Learning event around Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion.
At our women’s group we provide a safe space where female clients can connect to reduce isolation and improve their overall wellbeing. We provide a mixture of activities that can support the ladies to build further on their self- esteem and self- confidence.
The K&C Fraud newsletter contains information and figures of fraud cases in the borough including useful information about how to protect yourself against fraud crimes.
A national targeted lung cancer screening programme designed to catch cancer sooner or prevent it altogether has been announced by the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. Each year the programme - which will cost £270 million annually once fully implemented - is expected to detect cancer in as many as 9,000 people, deliver almost one million scans and provide treatment earlier.
The K&C Fraud newsletter contains information and figures of fraud cases in the borough including useful information about how to protect yourself against fraud crimes.
These leaflets have been co-produced by our Safeguarding Ambassadors and include a variety of our video resources to help support everyone to understand a range of safeguarding topics, as well as information on what happens after you report a safeguarding concern.
Black and Brown Good Grief is a peer to peer support meeting and safe space for black and brown grievers. Black and Brown Good Grief allows a person to grieve acknowledging the nuances of their heritage and culture while still being a person grieving someone. Black and Brown Good Grief was started by black and brown attendees and continues to be run and hosted this way..
The London Inspire programme is a ground-breaking programme developed to raise awareness and promote targeted health interventions aimed at reducing the staggering health inequalities faced by black people in London. Inspire was developed to foster partnership and collaboration opportunities for voluntary and community sector organisations to deliver health interventions, while also amplifying the voice of the Black community to create whole systems change.
Please see the latest update to the Cost of Living Directory of Services for December for RBKC residents.
Grand Junction are hosting several free after school programmes for children and young people - these are: Junction Juniors - drama workshop for age 7-11; Young Actors - acting and drama workshops for age 11-17; and Green Kids Club - a weekly workshop learning about environmentalism, nature and making art.
Endometriosis UK have newly translated support and symptoms leaflets. These leaflets are now available in Punjabi Shahmukhi, Punjabi Gurmukhi, Urdu, Polish, Scottish Gaelic, Cantonese, and Mandarin Chinese. The symptoms leaflet shares the main endometriosis symptoms, what endometriosis is and how Endometriosis UK provides support.
There is still availability to book space at the new improved Jubilee Community Sports Centre with priority being given to those clubs and organisations that are looking to provide opportunities to support the local community. The address of the venue is: Lancefield Street, London, W10 4NW
For those who were unable to attend the Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster 'Stay with Us' Suicide Prevention Campaign Launch please see the collated essential information and resources we have put together.
On Tuesday 24 October 2023, more than 200 people from across NW London gathered in St Pauls, Hammersmith for the first health equity summit for the area. One year on from the launch of the region’s inequality strategy, it was a chance to reflect on what had been achieved and discuss the challenges ahead. You can now see all the presentation and details of the day updated to the NHS NWL website.
Do you want to help improve breast cancer screening information and invitations? We are looking for 6 people to join two different workshops. We encourage people from underserved populations including but not limited to ethnic minority groups e.g., Asian, Black African or Caribbean, Arab, Mixed ethnicity and those from a disadvantaged background to apply.
National Lottery Awards For All, is changing! You will now be able to: Apply for funding between £300 and £20,000 to support your project, an increase from the previous £10,000 per year; Get your project funded for up to two years rather than one. These changes mean that we have doubled the amount you can apply for and how long we’ll fund your project.
As part of a study looking at developing an intervention to support patients who have been prescribed statins, we are looking for public partners to join our team who are prescribed statins or who have been prescribed statins in the past and are currently living in London. Even if (or especially if) you do not take your statins as prescribed, we would still be interested in hearing from you.
Are you a young person from a minority background experiencing mental health challenges? Or do you know, or work, with someone who is? Our free e-mentoring programme is here to help! Unlock your potential and achieve your educational and employment dreams with our free 12-week e-mentoring programme.
The Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster (KCW) Social Isolation pilot supports and enhances existing Older Adult Mental Health services provided by CNWL by providing targeted outreach support to vulnerable
elderly people including those living alone who are known to be more likely to experience social isolation.
Come and join us every Friday from 10am - 12pm at Stockwell Partk Community Centre. In this space we will talk about our health, wellbeing, benefits, access to local services, how to obtain individual help, while also having the chance to make new friends!
Community Living Well is an emotional wellbeing support service for anyone aged 16 and over, and who is registered with a GP in Kensington, Chelsea, Queen’s Park or Paddington. We can help to support your mental health and wellbeing.
We are aware that ongoing, shocking events in Israel and Palestine have led to heightened tensions and emotional distress within our communities and want to remind you that Westminster’s Prevent team are available should you require our assistance; we are able to provide support and guidance for anyone who may be impacted by the current situation. If you or someone you know is feeling distressed or overwhelmed due to the recent events, there are resources and support available to help you navigate through these difficult times.
Thrive Tribe have been selected to deliver the National Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) in London and now we have lots of opportunities to join our team! We have vacancies for Health Coaches, Senior Health Coaches, and Healthier You Partnerships Managers.
This training from Superhighways will bring together a small group of people from 8 to 10 micro charities and community organisations to build their own website, using the free community website builder Voice Online Communities. The training will run weekly online, 10am to 12pm weekly, starting Wednesday 25 October 2023.
Mosaic Community Trust's Mothers Support Network offers a range of activities in the form of Drop in sessions, workshops run by professionals, opportunities to voice concerns, free therapeutic massage and more. Mosaic also run a community wellbeing hub at the Portman centre and Connected communities social hub which is for women living in Church street area only.
NEW OFFER OF FREE SUPPORT – fundraising strategy and bid writing help available now! Concentrated help from one of a panel of external fundraisers whose direct skills and expertise will be offered to Westminster VCS organisations (including CICs) for free.
Our A&Es are extremely busy with waits of up to 11 hours. We are seeing many health issues related to the current warm weather – please do share the link below which gives advice on looking after yourself in warm weather, especially if you have asthma or hayfever. It also provides information on where to go if you need help so we can keep A&E for life threatening emergencies. The leaflet is also available in a number of different languages.
This Strategy has been developed over a period of months through a collaborative process with the voluntary and community sector and colleagues from across the statutory sector/NHS. It presents a number of case studies from the VCS that illustrate its main goals and offers a set of clear recommended actions.
Please see the Westminster City Council landing page for all upcoming council grant funding opportunities for the VCS.
This course has been developed to provide attendees with an awareness of what adult safeguarding is as set out under the provisions of the Care Act 2014 and support staff to identify signs and indicators of abuse and neglect and to understand the referral pathway to raise a safeguarding concern.
What's in the Community Resource page collects information / flyers about services and activities and support resources available in or to RBKC residents divided in sections such as Massages/ Acupuncture, Food, Warm hubs, Cost of living support, Debt, benefits, and housing advice, Education and training, and much more.
We are pleased to introduce you to the new Dementia Adviser for Westminster, Skia Fentiman. She will be offering advice and support for those living with dementia in Westminster and also coordinates events such as the free Memory Cafes. The next one is coming up on 30th November.
Here is Steve McQueen's EMBARRASSED - a short film created to help raise awareness of prostate cancer within the black community and featuring Idris Elba CBE, Chiwetel Ejiofor CBE, Michael Ward, and Morgan Freeman.. The message is that if you are a black man aged over 45 you should ask your GP for a PSA test. Prostate cancer is generally easy to treat (without chemotherapy) and survivable if caught reasonably early.
Please download and see the House of Commons/ House of Lords Joint Committee on Human Rights report: Black people, racism, and human rights - including formal minutes relating to the report.
Residents of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council can now access free contraception online. All you need to do is register on the website, you will directed to the contraception page where you will find all methods available these include; Emergency Hormonal Contraception, Progesterone only pill and the Combined only pill.
Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.
Westminster Befriend a Family runs a Mother’s Support Group at Derry Hall on the Church Street Estate, between 10am and 12pm every Wednesday. It’s a place for mums and mums to be to meet up, have a (free!) cup of tea or coffee and enjoy some cake and a chat.
Topics: Hammersmith & Fulham CCG's Financial Recovery Plans - request for feedback; Westminster and RBKC Councils' Dementia Strategy - request for local community input; Iraqi Association presentation; World Foods Carbs and Cals book (specifically targeted at BAME communities) Update from Diabetes Transformation team.
Topics: Request for feedback on NHS 111 service; Information about Latent TB and raising awareness; request for feedback on Primary and Urgent Care services in H&F; Volunteer Centre K&C - working with BME organisations
The Disability Connect project is for socially isolated disabled people (with a physical, sensory or hidden impairment) who need or would like some encouragement and support to get out and about doing activities of interest to them.
Topics: Health Help Now App, GP Extended Hours, FAWA (French African Welfare Association), Central London Youth Development Trust cooking Sessions with children, Mosaic Community Trust programmes with Local Women in Church Street
Sexual Health London have commissioned an online sexual health testing website. It provides sexual health testing via post kit - very useful for young people and vulnerable groups. is a professional mental health and wellbeing service, commissioned to Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith, Fulham and Westminster FREE to use for 11-19 year olds.
Topics: Creating a new dietary resource for BAME communities with Diabetes and H&F Outcomes Framework, Update on the equalities framework & GP Extended Hours
Theme: Integrated Care - My Care My Way and Engagement work done around Integrated Care Outcomes Framework
Theme: Tackling Obesity in BME communities
Theme: Improving the Health and Wellbeing of disadvantaged communities in Hammersmith & Fulham
A supplier of professional interpreters – face-to-face, by telephone and written translations. We offer 136 different languages and dialects for face-to-face assignments in London and more by telephone. We have an office in North Westminster and are already supplying to Local Authority frontline teams, NHS Trusts and national third sector organisations working within the Tri-borough meaning that our interpreters know the area and are already on the ground, daily.
Theme: Habits and Addictions in BME communities
Change, grow, live is a social care and health charity that
works with individuals who want to change negative
patterns of behaviour and achieve positive and life-affirming
THEME:Getting involved in improving services
THEME: Migration, Homelessness and Mental Health
THEME: Diabetes and Black Minority Ethnic Communities
THEME: Domestic Abuse among BME Communities. This meeting explored the issue of Domestic Abuse from many different angles such as the barriers around housing, the particular difficulties for people with no recourse to public funds and the psychological issues for young people who have been exploited...
THEME: Stigma. This meeting's theme was about stigma and how it contributes to inequalities and stops people accessing services. We heard presentations discussing stigma in many different contexts from mental health and sexual health to the stigma surrounding disabilities, gender transitioning and dying.
Pregnancy is a time of hope but can also bring challenges and strains. Healthy Relationships:Healthy Baby is a new programme from a local charity, especially for expectant mums and dads living in Westminster. Our dedicated team will work with you and your family so you can bring an end to hurtful behavior...
Theme: Young People's Health & Wellbeing. This was a great meeting to attend to hear about projects in the voluntary sector and ask our NHS commissioners and providers some searching questions. Presentations included: Westminster Mind, Spectra, Al Badja and the Westminster council...
The Talking Talk Shop is now open at The Dalgarno Trust on Wednesdays from 11am - 12.30pm. We work with people from all backgrounds with varying disabilities, who are on waiting list or finished counselling but wish to continue talking in a confidential, relaxed and safe environment...
THEME: DEMENTIA - This was a great event to attend to find out more about how services for people with Dementia have been planned and delivered and question the people in charge of doing so. It was also a great opportunity to find out more about how to support people with Dementia and what services are available in the NHS and the third sector including some specialist services for BME communities.
SMART Projects is launching a Stop Smoking Service, funded by the Kensington & Chelsea Social Council and in partnership with the Kick-it Stop Smoking Service. SMART will be providing Stop smoking advice on a one to one basis and workshops for people who would like to find out more...
DVIP’s Al-aman service has continued to receive funding from London Councils to support women from Arabic speaking communities who have been affected by gender based violence, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and honour based violence...
A directory of services was produced by the Different Voices Group at The Advocacy Project. It is a user involvement group that focuses on improving inpatient services and tackling the stigma attached to mental health. All the recommendations in the booklet are based on the service users’ own experiences of having used those services...
Royal Trinity Hospice has launched a new service to support people with dementia and their carers living in Kensington and Chelsea, tackling recognised inequalities in access to palliative and end of life care.Funded by West London CCG, Trinity’s specialist Community Dementia Nurse will support people...
Brush up on your spoken, written and grammatical English to become a more confident speaker! For people aged 50 and over. TUESDAYs - 10.00am – 12.00pm. £3.00 per class @ New Horizons, Guinness Trust Estate,
Cadogan Street, London, SW3 2PF...
The Healthier Homes Project is a Public Health funded project to assist in reducing hospital admissions, GP visits and winter deaths caused by residents living in homes that are too cold, damp or are in dangerous conditions that put their health at risk.The project works as a referral service...
Angelou is a partnership of 9 organisations offering a shared service across Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster supporting women and girls who are experiencing violence and abuse.
THEME: SUPPORTING PEOPLE APPROACHING THE END OF THEIR LIVES. This meeting was about how to best support people who are approaching the end of their lives. Public health are conducting a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) about end of life care and would like to hear from you about how you feel services work currently and any gaps that there might be...
Al-Hasaniya Moroccan's Women's Centre have a new project for young women of Arabic backgrounds who have or are experiencing domestic violence. The service is aimed at young women aged between 16 and 25 years old who live in London...
Please be aware of the free Therapeutic Services provided by Solace Women’s Aid in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster. These include:1to1 counselling for female survivors of domestic violence age 14 + (Ascent). 1to1 counselling for female survivors of sexual violence including child sexual abuse (aged 14+)...
Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women’s Centre has recently been successful in securing funding for a new project to support young, vulnerable women of Arabic speaking backgrounds who are or have experienced domestic abuse.
Our service is aimed at young women aged between 16 and 25 years old...
The Free Stop Smoking Support sessions include specialist behavioural support by certified Stop Smoking Practitioners, which will improve the client’s motivation as well as help building up capacities and strategies to stay smoke-free...
The peer support is for people aged 18 to 60 who have a physical disability, hearing or sight impairments and those with long term health conditions. Westminster Connect also co-ordinates peer support for Deaf people...
THEME: Unscheduled care - the utilisation of A and E and Urgent care services by BME communities
The Bayswater Families Centre, in conjunction with CAB, Homestart and Z2K are holding Drop-in Advice sessions covering: Housing Advice and Assistance; Resettlement Advice and Assistance; Welfare benefits Advice and Assistance; Debt Advice and Assistance...
Fridays 2 - 3pm, Portobello Green Fitness Club. Price £2.10. It's fun, It's fitness, It's ZUMBA!...
Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) is registered charity that provides confidential support, advice and advocacy and outreach to women and girls of Middle Eastern origin. We work to help women and girls who are facing gender based violence...
The HARP Support Group is a new, monthly, facilitated self-help programme, for people who are motivated to develop strategies and actions to manage and modify compulsive hoarding behaviour...
The British Red Cross runs four 'Refugees and Befriending Projects' (R'n'B) for young unaccompanied refugees and asylum seekers aged 14-21. Our peer-led befriending projects are facilitated by peer-befrienders and adult volunteers...
We also offer free training courses, complimentary therapies, other free events, talks and social meet-ups - booking essential...
Date & Time: 7th March 12, 10am – 1pm, Venue: The Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU, Theme: Men’s Health & Wellbeing
Theme: Women’s Health & Wellbeing
Date: 6th March 2013
Venue: Lighthouse West Lodon
Please see below some information about domestic and sexual violence helplines that are funded by London Councils and available in your area...
Please note that all NHS psychological therapy services are obliged to provide an interpreter for people who are not fluent English speakers. This includes counselling services offered by GP practices as well as IAPT or other mental health services offered by CNWL or CLCH...
The Befriending Service at the Chinese Mental Health Association is running a pilot Personalisation project for ethnic Chinese sufferers of mental health. Personalisation is about giving people with needs, choice and control over their care, with support and resources provided by their local authority...
See details below for affordable activities for all abilities and ages available at the Beethoven Centre...
North London Rape Crisis offers free, confidential counselling, advocacy and holistic therapies to women aged 14 and over who live, work or study in Islington, Camden, Westminster, Barnet, Enfield, Kensington and Chelsea and Haringey...
The maternity helpline provides direct access to clinical support and advice to women and their families, irrespective of whether you are a patient of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, a visitor to the area or simply require information and support.
The Mosaic Community Trust’s Women’s Well-Being Project seeks to empower women who are socially disadvantaged. The Patient Empowerment and Engagement project aims to raise awareness in the local community on the availability and effective use primary care health services...
This FREE eight week group behaviour change programme is designed to help the patients to lose weight, get fitter and make more informed choices about your diet and lifestyle...
STRESSED, ANXIOUS, DEPRESSED? If you are finding it difficult to cope with feelings of anxiety or depression, we can offer quick and easy access to help and support...
Based in Portobello Road, Notting Hill Gate, London, HELP Counselling Centre provides short & long-term counselling based on an affordable, sliding scale for people who need support in negotiating a crisis as well as for those who wish to consider their life patterns and choices...
West London African Women's service - Community support and information...
Living Well offers a wide range of high-quality health related services aimed at providing people with the skills they need to get the most out of life. Services include HIV service, Youth service and Community support service...
Healthier LIfe 4 You is a community organisation not for profit with charitable aims.
We aim to promote Health and Wellbeing to local people in the community (Families, Children & Young people). As well as running Health workshops, we use Dance, Art & Craft and Leisure activities to enable service users to achieve emotional and Physical wellbeing...
Provides community and specialist dental services, district nursing, nutrition and dietetics, diabetes and podiatry (foot health) services, Speech and language therapy for children...
ADVANCE is a specialist domestic violence crisis intervention service. We support women who are assessed as being high or very high risk of continued domestic and sexual abuse and those at risk of being killed...
A website/ directory for mental health service users in Westminster...
Here are a series of short films on how to use the NHS aimed at newly arrived migrants produced by the Black Health Agency. The film is available in English, Arabic, Cantonese, Farsi/Dari, French, Kurdish, Mandarin, Polish, Somali, Sylheti and Urdu...
Deaf Hope is a new specialist domestic abuse service for Deaf women and children, and the first service of its kind in the UK. We have been established around 18 months and our current funding is...
Counselling Directory was set up as a free, confidential service to encourage those in distress to seek help. Visitors can read about different areas of distress, view useful articles written by counsellors and refine their...
We support ANY family in Westminster who needs us, providing there is at least 1 child under 5. Rich or poor, settled or transient.Our trained volunteers help to give encouragement and support to change the pattern of troubled lives...
Westminster Wellbeing is a free NHS service promoting health and wellbeing within communities and organisations in Westminster. We provide a range of services which include training and workshops for community organisations...
Fit for Work Service in Kensington & Chelsea now expanding to Westminster and Hammermith & Fulham
Maternity Action’s Advice Line offers free confidential telephone support. We will listen to you and try to understand all the issues you are facing. We will then provide you with information that is relevant to you and your situation...
DO YOU LIVE IN PIMLICO AND SUFFER FROM A BREATHING PROBLEM? BREATHE EASY PADDINGTON is your Westminster patient support group, for anyone affected by a lung condition. We offer mutual support, information...
HEALTHWORKS√ offers a range of services to help the residents of Kensington and Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham, Westminster and surrounding boroughs
Rape Crisis London has four centres that offer help, information and support to women and girls who have experienced sexual violence of any kind, at any time of their lives...
Turning Point and Blenheim have been commissioned to provide the new substance misuse service in Westminser, RBKC, and Hammersmith & Fulham. This service is named the Recovery & Wellbeing network and will transform the way that drug and alcohol services are provided locally...
The Halfpenny Steps Health Centre provides health services for registered and walk-in patients. It is staffed with a team of GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals to deliver a high quality, continuous service...
The Royal Borough can help your business. We offer award-winning training on Food Safety and Health and Safety. We also offer Environmental Principles training, Personal Licence Holders training and Customer Service Training...
The Westminster Dementia Adviser service provides advice, information and guidance to those who have received a diagnosis of dementia, as well as their families and supporters. As well as working in partnership with NHS...
Some housing factsheets on key housing issues. The fact sheets provide a very basic summary of the issue, the possible actions you can take, and who to contact for further information...