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Registered Charity Number 1151980

Company Number 08013774

The BME Health Forum is governed by a board of 11 trustees, the majority of whom are Directors of BAME community organisations.
Current trustees are:
Chair:  Kaveh Kalantari, The Iranian Association
Treasurer:  David Truswell, Independent Advisor on Dementia support and services for BME 

Filsan Ali, Midaye Somali Development Network
Cllr Judith Blakeman, Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Alison Devlin, Independent Equalities & Diversity Expert
Meerat Kaur, Associate Programme Lead for Patient and Public Involvement at NIHR CLAHRC for Northwest London
Marie Tameze, French African Welfare Association (FAWA)
Gladys Sheriff, Women's Association for African Networking and Development (WAND) UK
Eddie Chan, Chinese Welfare Trust
Halaleh Taheri, Middle Eastern Women and Society Organisation (MEWSO)
Aziz Toki, Central London Youth Development Trust (CLYD)
The board is supported by an advisory group which includes representatives from West London CCG, Kensington & Chelsea Social Council, One Westminster and SOBUS.